The presidential couple celebrate Labor Day in Bururi/Burunga –

by time news

2023-05-02 13:04:12

The presidential couple commemorated International Labor Day – or Workers’ Day – on May Day in Bururi, Burunga.

Burunga (Bururi), 1/05/2023 – May Day, or Labor Day, was established in 1889 in honor of the workers killed in the Haymarket strike in Chicago in 1886. Since then, it has become an international day of celebration and demand for workers. workers’ rights, as well as a public holiday in many countries.

In accordance with the foreign and internal policies of the Barundi, including that of globalization and the economy, the presidential couple, composed of Her Excellency Ndayubaha Angéline, First Lady, and of His Excellency Ndayishimiye Evariste, President of Burundi and Major General, participated in a grand ceremony at the Kabuye stadium last Monday to celebrate Labor and Workers’ Day. They were accompanied by the citizens of Bururi, as well as senior officials from the state, the private sector and members of the diplomatic corps.
The presidential couple presented awards of excellence to public and private sector workers who have distinguished themselves in their field, underlining the leadership role necessary to achieve the development objectives of “Emergent Burundi in 2040 and developed in 2060”.
In the Burundian tradition, the worker or tradesperson was called muhutu [1] among the Barundi, being a person with know-how or a trade acquired in a place of training or initiation. Often she or he was a landowner, their land serving as a place of training, work and fulfillment.

Burundi is an ancient traditional state of Kama (or Africa), known as Ingoma y’Uburundi, a society of Ubuntu [2]. The socio-economic system of the Barundi was an essential key to the planning of the Kingdom of Burundi, which encompassed all the sectoral policies of Barundi. This plan was based on the alliance Rejectedwhich linked all the miryango Barundi, harmonized by the Lordassisted by They are compared THE Take them and the Get caught. This planning guaranteed the acquisition of socio-economic goods necessary for all miryango Barundi, protecting them. It also enabled each Murundi child to proudly become a muhutu (a holder of a trade), and for some, to become mututsi (a fair manager) or in secret a magician (a scholar, planner, regulator).
The planning grouped the miryango by hill and provided them with Bahutu producing the necessary socio-economic needs and Batutsi who precisely managed the redistribution of these goods., all under the watchful eye of the heads of the miryango who would refer to the Mwami in the event of irregularities. Through the Bashingantahe or Bapfasoni, the Mwami used the Bagumyamabanga Bapfumu to harmonize or regulate this planning. The production of the Barundi was intended to be consumed by the Barundi. In case of overproduction, a foreign trade policy was applied in terms of trade with other states.
It was a socio-economic system, different from the current system of – economic market – inherited from colonization (a crime against humanity). It required neither money nor currency, nor banks, nor companies. However, exchanges with other states could be carried out with currencies (often minerals or precious natural objects).
Between the end of April and May 1972, the American, French, Belgian governments and the Vatican contributed to the perpetration of a genocide against the Bahutu of Burundi, aimed at establishing a market and capitalist economic system to the detriment of the traditional system. in place. This tragedy caused the loss of over 1.5 million lives out of a population of nearly 3 million Barundi at the time.

[1]muhutu, bahutu :
[2] ubuntu :

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Sources : Nahimana P. , Tuesday 2 May 2023 | Photo : Ntare Rushatsi House, Agaseke

#presidential #couple #celebrate #Labor #Day #BururiBurunga

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