the pressure is mounting on the RATP

by time news
With 25% of buses canceled and crowded metro trains in the capital, the Régie has not been meeting users since the start of the school year. 44495750/fivepointsix –

The president of the Île-de-France region, Valérie Pécresse, is calling for a 100% return to the offer as soon as possible.

Jean Castex is warned. The ex-prime minister, auditioned this Tuesday in the Senate to take the head of the RATP, will land in a powder keg. 25% of buses canceled, crowded metro trains in Paris, the Régie has not been meeting users since the start of the school year. The president of the Île-de-France region, Valérie Pécresse, dropped her blows on the subject: “The RATP has completely underestimated the problems it encounters on the metro (…) she explains to Parisian. We asked the RATP to produce 98% of the transport offer before Covid. But she achieved just over 90%.”

Just as serious: the president of Île-de-France Mobilités accuses the company of having affirmed in mid-September that the malfunctions of the Parisian buses would not contaminate the metro… which happened a few weeks later. Faced with this volley of green wood, the RATP responds mezzo voce, because it wants to avoid controversy with its main client. Especially in this period of inter-reign where the…

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