the price increase estimated around “10% from the beginning of March” by distributors

by time news

“These increases will be spread over time until the summer, as stocks are renewed,” tried to reassure the boss of the FCD, Jacques Creyssel.

On the eve of the end of the annual commercial negotiations between distributors and manufacturers, initial feedback on the expected results is emerging. Invited on Franceinfo this Tuesday morning, Jacques Creyssel, the general delegate of the Federation of commerce and distribution (FCD), indicated that he expected price increases of around 10% in the food departments – but not only – from next days.

Noting that negotiations with SMEs, “so for all brands that are very largely French“, led to increases “a little below 10%“, Jacques Creyssel considered that the “we should be with the big brands around 10% from the beginning of March». «But these increases will be spread over time until the summer, as stocks are renewed.“, he underlined on the antenna of the public radio.

«All food productsare concerned, explained Jacques Creyssel, “but also some products drugstore, perfumery and hygiene». «All brands will have to pass on these increases, but they will try to limit these increases for consumers as much as possible.“, he tried to reassure.

70% of manufacturers have signed their contracts

A figure of 10% was also put forward on the other side of the table, by Jean-Philippe André, president of the National Association of Food Industries (Ania), this Tuesday morning on Franceinfo. “About 70% of companies have already signed up, with requests in the order of 10%“Said the boss of the organization bringing together French food companies. “On the shelves, at the level of the labels, will we have obtained this? We will see it in the next few weeks“, he added.

Among large retailers, whether Lidl, Système U or Auchan, their leaders or spokespersons have also indicated in the media in recent days that they expect food inflation of around 10% after trade negotiations with manufacturers. . This will be added to the already massive increase observed in food: in February, INSEE estimated inflation at 14.5% over one year, thus, in its last publication.

TO HAVE ALSO – Economy: where is inflation in France in February?

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