The price-variety should be written on the sack of rice, effective from Sunday – 2024-04-15 04:08:19

by times news cr

2024-04-15 04:08:19

Type of rice and mill gate price should be written on the bag of rice. Also write the date of manufacture and the name of the manufacturer. Even, the location (district and upazila) of the manufacturer should be mentioned. There will also be weight information. Such instructions will be effective from Sunday (April 14).

In this regard, an instruction was issued by the Internal Procurement Branch of the Ministry of Food on February 21. Copies of the directive have already been sent to the Cabinet Division Secretary, Prime Minister’s Principal Secretary, Commerce Ministry Senior Secretary, Agriculture Ministry Secretary, Finance Department Secretary, all Divisional Commissioners, all District Commissioners, all District Food Controllers, all Upazila Food Controllers, etc.

Secretary of the Ministry of Food. In this directive signed by Ismail Hossain, it is said that after recently visiting some rice producing districts of the country, it has been confirmed that rice produced from the same type of rice is being sold in the market under different names and prices.

Millers, wholesalers, retailers blame each other when the price of rice goes to unreasonable levels or suddenly increases. Due to this, the consumers are facing difficulty in buying the desired variety of paddy rice at a fair price and in many cases are suffering financially.

In order to overcome this situation, to ensure that rice is marketed in the name of rice to keep the market price of rice at a reasonable and reasonable level, and to facilitate the monitoring of related activities, some points have been determined in the directive.

These include- Rice producing mill owners should mention the name of the producing mill, district and upazila name, date of production, mill gate price and variety of paddy/rice on the bags of rice before supplying rice from the warehouse for commercial use. These information should be written in ink on the bag.

The weight (50/25/10/5/1) should be mentioned on all types of sacks and packets of rice supplied by the rice producing mill owner. The same guidelines should be followed in case of corporate bodies. In this case, the company can specify the maximum retail price along with the mill gate price.

In case of violation, necessary measures will be taken as per Section 6 and Section 7 of Foodstuffs Production, Storage, Transfer, Transport, Supply, Distribution, Marketing (Prevention of Harmful Activities) Act, 2023.

Section 6 of the Act carries a maximum imprisonment of two years or a maximum fine of Tk 10 lakh or both. And Section-7 has a maximum imprisonment of five years or a fine of Tk 15 lakh or both.

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