The Prime Minister confirms Iraq’s desire to move to bilateral relations with all international coalition countries

by time news

Baghdad – IA

Today, Saturday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani affirmed Iraq’s desire to move to comprehensive relations with the member states of the international coalition.

A statement by the Prime Minister’s Media Office, received by the (INA), stated that, “Under the auspices of the Prime Minister, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani, the work of the joint supreme military committee between Iraq and the international coalition led by the United States began, today, Saturday, in Baghdad, to review the mission of The international coalition to fight ISIS, after Iraq’s victory over the most powerful terrorist groups in the world.”

The statement indicated that “military specialists will be responsible for completing the military mission of the international coalition against ISIS, a decade after the beginning of this mission, and the great success in achieving it, in partnership with the Iraqi security and military forces, and after this meeting the work of the Supreme Military Committee will begin.”HMC) at the level of three work groups: (the level of threat posed by ISIS), (operational and situational requirements), and (strengthening the growing capabilities of the Iraqi security forces).”

The statement added, “In light of this review, a specific timetable will be formulated to end the military mission of the coalition, and the transition to bilateral security relations between Iraq, the United States, and the partner countries in the coalition, and to comprehensive bilateral relations with these countries, while adhering to the strategic framework agreement signed between Iraq.” And the United States in 2008, and also a commitment to the safety of the international coalition’s advisors during the negotiation phase throughout the country, and to maintaining stability and preventing escalation.”

“The Prime Minister expressed his appreciation to the international coalition for the assistance it provided to Iraq in its war against ISIS terrorist gangs, and Iraq’s desire to move to bilateral relations with all coalition countries.”

The statement continued, “The Prime Minister welcomed this agreement, which is the result of a year of joint dialogue and exchange of meetings, and is also part of the government’s fulfillment of its governmental program and the pledges it made before the people,” stressing “Iraq’s desire to move to comprehensive relations, on the basis of cooperation.” And international friendship, with the member states of the coalition, especially the United States of America.”

Before the start of the dialogue with the international coalition, the Prime Minister chaired a meeting that included military and security leaders representing the various types of Iraqi armed forces, which included His Excellency’s directives regarding the course of the dialogue and what is required for the next stage. To protect sovereignty and maintain the security and stability achieved, and the necessity of providing the atmosphere to proceed with reconstruction, development and construction plans.

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