The Prime Minister of Ukraine urged to look for an alternative to gas

by time news

The Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmygal believes that thermal companies need to look for other sources of energy due to the rise in gas prices. He suggested using biofuels as an alternative.

Mr. Shmygal believes that now is the time to “think about energy efficiency and energy saving”. “These are the ways that will give us the opportunity to go through the next heating seasons with less stress,” he said at a meeting of the Presidium of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities in Odessa (quoted by

The Prime Minister drew attention to the Volyn region, where more than half of the budget boilers operate on alternative fuels – in particular, on pellets (solid fuel obtained from compressed agricultural waste). According to Denis Shmygal, such an alternative allows “to pass the heating season calmly.” “Of course, tense, but without stress and without the risk that anything will be disrupted,” he is convinced.

Gas futures in Europe began to rise sharply in the summer, in October they reached a maximum of $ 1,900 per thousand cubic meters. m. Russian President Vladimir Putin this week instructed Gazprom to increase reserves in Europe after being pumped into Russian storage facilities. By October 29, the gas price dropped below $ 800.

Read more about the gas crisis in the publication of Kommersant “Non-Alternative Fuel”.


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