The problems in Chile and around the world that caused the fall of Microsoft – 2024-07-31 14:38:41

by times news cr

2024-07-31 14:38:41

Initial reports suggested that the problem was caused by a system update (antivirus), which caused a massive failure.

Problems in scheduled flights around the world, including Chile, as well as in banks, hospitals and companies in various fields, caused the Microsoft’s global downfall.

According to the information provided this morning, the failure was due to a faulty update of the computer security platform CrowdStrike.

In our country, Latam reported what happened through social networks. Initially it warned that “Our operation could be affectedcausing some delays in our flights.”

The company later announced that “the operation has not been impacted after the massive affectation of the systems associated with Microsoft worldwide.” In any case, it called on users to “Check the status of your flights as a precautionary measure“.

The problems in Chile and around the world that caused the fall of Microsoft
– 2024-07-31 14:38:41

According to press reports, the global failure caused Hand-held devices will be used in airports around the world to inform passengers about flights.

Meanwhile, since Microsoft They reported that They work to solve the root of the problems which has caused its downfall worldwide.

Initial reports indicated that The failure was due to a system update (antivirus)which caused a massive failure.

For his part, CrowdStrike CEO George Kurz reported that the problem had been detected and a solution was implemented.

Worldwide outages due to Microsoft crash

Among the failures that caused the fall of Microsoft were recorded Problems in the Paris 2024 computer systemwhich prevented the delivery of uniforms and credentials.

In the United Kingdom, there were reports Problems with airlines, trains and the London Stock Exchangewhile In Japan, it caused flight cancellations and outages in the railway system..

In addition, in some areas of the United States, there were reports 911 emergency service interruptions due to the fall of Microsoft, at the same time Several hospitals in Israel were affectedas confirmed by local media.

What the Banking Association said about the failure

Regarding the computer failure, the Association of Banks and Financial Institutions of Chile (ABIF) reported through a statement the measures that have been adopted due to the emergency.

Thus, he revealed that “ABIF’s technology team is continuously monitoring the situation and in coordination with the teams of each bank to identify and resolve any anomaly early on.”

In addition, “the banks They have taken the necessary actions to ensure that their systems are up to date and operational.minimizing any potential service interruption.”

At the same time, “communication and monitoring with suppliers is constant and oriented to verify the correct operation of the services and the application of necessary corrections to mitigate any risk“.

“In this context, we inform our customers that Banking services are operating with minimal levels of impact. If you have any questions or need specific assistance from your institution, please contact us only through your bank’s official channels,” he added.

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