The process of counting the votes in the double envelopes began

by time news

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ongoing updates

03:09 | The Central Election Commission has begun the process of counting the votes in the double envelopes. After almost 89% of all votes were counted, Meretz and Balad are still below the threshold. The Labor Party will almost certainly pass it. There is no change in the picture of the blocs

23:38 | Likud accuses that the director general of the election committee, Orli Ades, prevents the representatives of the factions from monitoring the counting process by ordering a rope to be placed between the scribes and the members of the election committee who supervise them.

22:30 | The count continues: Meretz moves away from the blocking percentage and dropped to 3.18% of the votes

22:15 | Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in an interview with the Reuters news agency that he “wants to continue relations with Israel on the basis of mutual understanding regardless of the election results”

22:00 | Senior Senator Ted Cruz congratulates Netanyahu. According to him, the polls before the mid-term elections that will take place next week show that the Republicans are expected to win a majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

21:17 | Netanyahu will reassign his people to key positions, one of the names nominated for the post of head of the National Assembly: Ron Dermer, who was Israel’s ambassador in Washington. Former Cabinet Secretary Tzachi Braverman and campaign manager Yossi Shelli are also expected to be integrated into senior positions in the Prime Minister’s Office

20:50 | Concerned voices are heard in the legal and law enforcement systems regarding the plans and moves promised by some of the members of the future coalition

20:45 | The chairman of Shas, who is expected to be the most important person in the coalition, will also have to deal with matters related to the legal issue. Deri’s associates make it clear that he will be a “balancing factor” regarding the expected changes in the judicial system. Even before the swearing in of the government, the High Court of Justice is expected to discuss the question of whether Deri will be able to serve as minister

20:08 | In the background of the battle of accusations between them – Lapid and Gantz have not yet spoken. People around Lapid say that he will talk to the leaders of the parties in the bloc only after the truth results are known. He is going to offer an overlap to Netanyahu, and is preparing for an orderly transfer of power

Galon is preparing for a legal battle over the last of Meretz’s votes in the hope of passing the blocking percentage. Michaeli receives severe criticism, claiming that her refusal to unite with Meretz led to failure

20:00 | Netanyahu’s lightning move to form a government within two weeks: the Likud chairman instructed the negotiators to end the talks until the Knesset is sworn in

18:54 | Zehava Galon: Not an easy moment, this is not the time for conclusions and summaries

18:17 | The difference between the blocs – less than 4,000 votes: the number of votes for the left bloc including Meretz and Balad that have been counted so far is 2,066,061 compared to the number of votes for the right bloc including Ayelet Shaked which is 2,069,961

17:50 | An American source here news: it will be difficult for the government to deal with Ben Gabir Kosher in the government

17:00 | A senior member of Besh Atid: Gantz is with Lapid instead of Netanyahu and is responsible for the loss. Instead of collaborating with Lapid, he was obsessed with himself. Gantz talked about an imaginary government

16:30 | A senior official in the state camp: “Lapid failed to manage the bloc and resulted in a loss”

16:05 | United States Ambassador Tom Neides: “Looks forward to continuing to work with the government on shared interests and values”

16:00 | President’s House: The official election results will be delivered to the President on November 9. The representatives of the factions will be invited to a round of consultations with him, at the end of which he will assign the task of forming the government to one of the members of the Knesset – no later than November 16

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