The product that prevents mosquito bites

by time news

2023-08-09 12:22:00

Why mosquitoes prey on some people and pass on others remains a mystery, although many studies point to the smell that humans give off. Now, a new study suggests that the aroma of a soapcombined with the personal odor of some individuals, can attract or repel mosquitoes.

Details of the study, conducted by scientists at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)are published this Wednesday in the magazine ‘iScience’.

Research has found that an individual, extremely attractive to mosquitoes when unwashed, “can become even more attractive for mosquitoes with a soapand become repulsive to mosquitoes with another,” summarizes the lead author and neuroetologist Clement Vinauger.

plant nectar

The mosquitos They don’t just feed on blood.. In fact, its main source of food is the plant nectarso using plant-derived or plant-mimicking scents could influence your decision.

To find out, the team characterized the chemical odors emitted by four unwashed volunteers and after washing themselves with four marks of soap: Dial, Dove, Native and Simple Truth. They also characterized the odor profiles of the soaps.

odor profiles

They found that each volunteer emitted their own odor profile, some more attractive to mosquitoes than others, and that the use of soap significantly changed these. odor profiles.

“Everyone smells different, even after applying soap; your physiological state, your lifestyle, what you eat and the places you go affect how you smell,” he explains. Chloé Lahondère, biologist and study co-author.

“And soaps drastically change the way we smell, not only by adding chemicals, but also by causing variations in the emission of compounds that we already produce naturally,” he details.

before and after soap

The researchers compared the attractiveness of each volunteer to mosquitoes. Temples of the Egyptians without washing and an hour after using the soaps and always with female mosquitoes, which feed on blood after mating with the males.

The experiment revealed that soap washing influenced mosquito preferences, but in different ways for different types of soap and volunteers.

Washing with Dove and Simple Truth increased the attractiveness of some volunteers (not all), and washing with Native soap tended to repel mosquitoes.

“What really matters to the mosquito is not the most abundant chemical, but the specific associations and combinations of chemicals, not just in soap, but also in our personal body odors“, says Vinauger.

In fact, although all four soaps contained limonene -a well-known natural repellent-, three of them increased the attraction of mosquitoes.

And it is that “the proportions of the chemical substances are extremely important to determine if the mosquitoes are attracted or not”, adds Lahondère.

Coconut scent to repel

The next step was to analyze the chemical compositions of the different soaps according to their impact on the mosquitoes’ preference.

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Thus, they identified four chemical substances associated with mosquito attraction and three associated with repulsion, among the latter a coconut-scented chemical that is a key component of mosquitoes. burbon americano and a floral compound used to treat sarna and the lice.

The team intends to extend these results and find some patterns or rules of thumb by testing more varieties of soap and using more volunteers, and also plans to study how many hours a soap lasts.

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