the production of Almond Trees claims to have been unaware of the accusations against the actor

by time news

After the indictment of the actor for rape and violence against a spouse, one of the first roles in the film by Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi, the two producers defend themselves. “We did not know”assured one of them, Patrick Sobelman, on France Inter.

Patrick Sobelman, one of the film’s two producers The Almond Trees whose actor Sofiane Bennacer is indicted for acts of rape and violence, assured Friday that the production knew nothing of these facts before hiring him. “At no time did the production know before hiring him and at no time did the production orchestrate the slightest omerta to ensure that nothing came out of this story”, assured the producer to France Inter. “It was absolutely impossible to stop filming and fire Sofiane for a very simple reason. We had no legal basis to do that.”he continued.

What happened on the set of the film? According to the newspaper Releasewhich explains in its Friday edition that it interviewed around thirty people, including around fifteen professionals on the set, it took place in a climate “of omerta”. Charges challenged by the producer. “We have obeyed the rules imposed on us by the CNC to appoint referents for all questions relating to harassment in general. We were on set every day. Nothing reprehensible happened during the entire filming of the film..

“There may have been a complicated atmosphere for some because they found themselves in a situation that they had not wanted and that cast doubt, a shadow and since we learned of his indictment, there a month ago, that there were four different complaints, it’s not the same thing, we didn’t know and we learned it at the same time as everyone else”.

Revelation of the latest film by Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi, Sofiane Bennacer, 25, who claims her innocence, is the subject of several indictments. Two for acts of rape on two ex-companions as well as a third “Indictment for spousal abuse”. As part of a fourth complaint filed by another ex-girlfriend who denounced acts of rape, Sofiane Bennacer was placed under the more favorable status of assisted witness.

The National Theater of Strasbourg (TNS), where he had been admitted, had seized the Ministry of Culture for facts “gender-based, sexual violence and harassment”. The ministry then made a report to the courts, said the prosecutor, without specifying the date. The critically acclaimed film The Almond Trees has achieved more than 100,000 admissions since its release on November 16.

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