The Prosecutor’s Office archives the complaint for the hunting orders for wolves

by time news

2023-04-17 11:18:39

The Prosecutor’s Office has archived the complaint filed by the Association for the Conservation of the Iberian Wolf (ASCEL) and WWF against the Ministry of the Environment of the Government of Cantabria for the authorizations for the extraction of wolves that it published in June, for which the community already plans to publish “soon” new orders that protect the hunting of these animals.

This was announced this Friday by the Minister of Rural Development, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and the Environment, Guillermo Blanco, in statements to the media after the visit he has made to the Textile Santanderina de Cabezón de la Sal together with the president, Miguel Ángel Revilla.

Cantabria already plans to sign new authorizations to carry out population controls in different places “in defense of livestock”

Blanco was one of the three heads of the Ministry denounced by environmental organizations, together with the general director of Biodiversity, Environment and Climate Change, Antonio Lucio, and the deputy general director of Natural Environment, Ángel Serdio, who testified on March 29 before the Prosecutor’s Office for this complaint, which accused them of prevarication and documentary falsification.

Proliferation and increase of attacks on livestock

The counselor has indicated that the three had “a clear conscience” because they had developed “regulatory” the entire procedure with which they tried to protect the hunting of some specimens of wolves in the face of their proliferation and the increase in attacks on livestock since they were protected the species to be included in the List of Wild Species in Special Protection Regime (Lespre).

After the complaint, the Justice paralyzed those wolves extraction orders that no other community had published, but once Cantabria has been archived, it already plans to sign new authorizations to carry out population controls in different places “in defense of livestock”.

“It is necessary to control the species for the human species to survive, in this case the farmers of our region, who do so much good for biodiversity and are so necessary,” Blanco remarked.

In addition, he believes that it is an “obligation” of his department to ensure control of the wolves and, in fact, he has assured that if the Prosecutor’s Office had gone ahead with the complaint and removed him, Lucio and Serdio from their positions to promote the extractions “would have gone home very calm, with the tranquility of having fulfilled their duty.”

But that has not happened since “the courts have been sensitive”, the counselor has celebrated, which allows them to work on the next extraction orders that will be published “in the coming weeks” and whose files are already being prepared.

#Prosecutors #Office #archives #complaint #hunting #orders #wolves

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