The prosecutor’s suggestion is Pispirigou’s guilt

by time news

Catapult was during her marathon trial in the trial with the defendant Rula Pispirigou the prosecutor of the highly acclaimed case that has shocked public opinion. The prosecutor’s hearing, which started yesterday morning and lasted until late at night, lasted over 9 hours (!) with the prosecutor referring to the entire unprecedented case. The public prosecutor, after a trial that lasted about a year – a total of 89 sessions were held in the audience, more than 60 witnesses were examined – and caused intense media interest, proposed that Rula Pispirigou be declared guilty of the murder of her eldest daughter Georgina and for attempting to assassinate her earlier without succeeding.

The prosecutor Eleftheria Spyridonakou he left no aspect of the case unanalyzed and evaluated. Her arguments for Pispirigou’s guilt were overwhelming throughout her trial. He referred extensively to both phases of hospitalization of the unfortunate 9-year-old girl, who, as the prosecutor argued, was murdered by her mother by administering the medicinal substance ketamine. Both during the stage when the little girl was admitted to Karamandanio in Patras, where the doctors fought and kept her alive even though she was paraplegic, and afterwards, during her hospitalization at the Children’s Hospital, where she ended up at the hands of her own mother. mother.

The prosecutor was a catapult not only by mentioning one by one the facts that, according to her proposal, fully confirm Pispirigou’s guilt, but also for her behavior in general and the treatment she reserved for 9-year-old Georgina, the last of her three children, who he lost his life, while before that two others, according to the indictment, were also murdered by their mother. The trial for the two youngest children of the Daskalaki-Pispirigou family has been set separately from the soon-to-be-concluded trial for the death of 9-year-old Georgina.

“During that period of time when the child was hospitalized,” said the prosecutor, “the accused, while she has lost two children, posts on social media and asks if Mr. Daskalakis is wearing his wedding ring and if he declares himself married. Her anxiety is what Daskalakis is doing outside. And all this while her child is hospitalized. She has her heart set on Mr. Daskalakis and asks her sister about him all the time.”

Targeting doctors

The prosecutor specifically referred to the targeting of the doctors and nurses who treated the unfortunate Georgina in the two hospitals, blasting the defense and Roula Pispirigou. who attempted to blame the doctors for her child’s death.

Even commenting on the position expressed by the defense, questioning the necessity of prolonged CPR for 50 minutes given that the literature states that after 20 minutes it can cause brain damage, the prosecutor congratulated the anesthesiologist, saying that “no one can deprive from someone’s life, because he may face neurological problems. Alas if we ask the doctors to stop CPR in case we have neurological problems”.

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