The protagonists of Maestro enjoyed Clelia Andriolatou in the theater

by time news

Christoforos Papakaliatis, Maria Kavogianni and Orestis Chalkias were at the “Theatre of Art – Karolos Koun” in order to watch the theatrical performance “The two slings” in which Clelia Andriolatou stars.

After the end of the show they all posed together hugging and smiling.

Christoforos Papakaliatis – Maria Kavogianni

Maestro’s company

The show

The future of Kaikilia (Klelia Andriolatou) hangs on two…hands.

On the one hand, her father Thibodier (Themis Panou), who can never say no and thus does not dare to refuse her hand in marriage to an arrogant and deceitful suitor, Garadou (Alexandros Chrysanthopoulos). On the other hand, Fremisen’s lover (Giorgos Glastras) who is so shy that he does not dare to propose to her. “But what will become of this girl?” even the maid Anneta (Smaragda Kakkinou) wonders. How will she manage to marry the man she loves?

Themis Panou-Klelia Andriolatou-Giorgos Glastras

Fortunately thanks to her determination, but also thanks to a twist of fate that reveals that the bounty hunter is a violent man who had been imprisoned for beating his first wife, Kaikilia will take matters – and herself – into her own hands.

The translation and direction is signed by Vassilis Papavasiliou

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