The Province could buy Castel Mareccio – News

by times news cr

2024-08-05 14:02:16

BOLZANO. The Province could acquire Castle Mareccio – castle, parking and vineyard – and to keep one of the symbols of Bolzano in public hands even if the Tourist Board were to be privatized. This is the idea of Christian Bianchi after the provincial council vote which effectively reopened the possibility of a transfer of the tourist board’s real estate to private individuals, with possible subsequent resale to the public.

This is the scenario feared by the Democratic Party councillor Sandro Repettoauthor of a rule that if maintained would have safeguarded the revenues of the Municipality of Bolzano and the public management of the spaces in the castle. But in the Council the majority of Svp, Fratelli d’Italia, Lega-Uniti and Civica removed the clause from the budget adjustment.

Today the Heritage Councillor relaunches: «I am available to work for a possible acquisition by the Province of the Castel Mareccio area».

Bianchi’s idea

“As councilor for heritage, my main goal is the protection of public assets,” Bianchi begins, “Therefore, I am in favor of exploring the possibility of an acquisition by the Province of Castel Mareccio and the surrounding areas, ensuring that these assets remain the heritage of all and continue to be an important point of reference for the local community and for the entire province of Bolzano.” A possible scenario would be to proceed with the alienation, “and in this case the public body has the right of pre-emption,” the councilor says. “In this way – he continues – with the transfer of the right of ownership, these assets could be acquired by the Province.” In conclusion, Bianchi declares himself “ready to collaborate to find a shared and satisfactory solution” and renews his commitment to ensuring “the best possible protection for our common heritage.”

The thirty-year contract

The clause proposed by Repetto amended the law of August 18, 1992 on the reorganization of tourism organizations. This provides that the ownership of movable and immovable property is transferred to the tourism associations that succeed the tourist companies. “Except for the real estate properties,” Repetto specified, “of the Tourist Companies of Bolzano and Merano.” That is, the only two left in Alto Adige. For Bolzano, this is Castel Mareccio. Assets worth between 12 and 15 million euros, according to estimates in the hands of the Democratic Party. And there are the proceeds from the parking lot: another 7-800 thousand euros per year. Today, the proceeds go to the Municipality of Bolzano, as per the thirty-year loan for use contract of September 10, 1998, expiring in September 2028.

«For a fair value»

In essence, Bianchi hypothesizes that the Province exercises the right of pre-emption and takes over Castel Mareccio, anticipating the private individuals. 15 million euros? “No,” he replies, “for a sum to be estimated, more advantageous than the sale between private individuals.” All to avoid falling back into shady operations. In the Provincial Council, Repetto declared that after a privatization of the Tourist Board, “the private individual could resell to the public body goods that were public, received for free.” A nice short circuit. S.M.

2024-08-05 14:02:16

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