The Province of Trento survey: “3 out of four Trentinos against the bear” – News

by times news cr

2024-08-06 17:56:43

TRENTO. The Province of Trento, with a press release, announces that it has commissioned – through Trentino Sviluppo – an opinion poll on the presence of bears. Of which it presents the results, but without citing the methodology or the sample.

“Three out of four residents in Trentino have a negative opinion about sharing their territory with bears. This data emerges from a survey by BVA Doxa commissioned by Trentino Sviluppo to detect the level of information, appreciation and concern of Trentino residents regarding the presence of the brown bear (1,200 telephone interviews with a representative sample of the population between 21 June and 8 July 2024). The Autonomous Province of Trento therefore continues to monitor residents’ opinions on the subject, following the surveys carried out in 1997, 2003 and 2011”.

The Province explains that according to the BVA Doxa survey, 32% of residents in Trentino consider the presence of plantigrades “not at all welcome” (percentage that rises to 37% in Western Trentino), while for 41% it is “not very welcome”: overall, 73% of Trentino people judge the presence of bears negatively on its own territory.

A figure that in 2011 stood at 62%. Among the most common reasons for those who say they are against the presence of bears, there is the opinion that these animals “are dangerous for humans” (36%), followed by “there are too many and should be regulated” (28%) and “they are scary” (22%). Furthermore, 21% maintain that their opposition comes from the limitations of behavior that bears induce with their presence.

The survey also investigates the Trentino people’s approval of the provincial law – updated to March 2024 – which allows the president of the autonomous province of Trento to order the culling of problem bears: 69% are in favor, while 25% are against.

The sense of personal concern for the presence of bears involves 56% of the interviewees (in 2011 the overall concern was equal to 17%). The memory of bear attacks on men in Trentino is clear, mentioned by 87% of the interviewees. Among them, 53% declare to have changed their habits. The changes are more noticeable in Western Trentino (61%) and among women (55%) and concern above all “frequenting the woods less” (87%) and “avoiding little frequented areas” (29%).

Furthermore, the analysis shows that 75% of those interviewed declared themselves informed on how to behave in the presence of bears, especially young people between the ages of 18 and 34 (81%).

Finally, it seems essential to continue with the measures adopted: 79% are in favor of the Provincial Administration supporting the costs necessary for the management of bears. In this direction is the hiring of 25 new operators to strengthen the Trentino Forestry Corps, engaged in the control and protection of the territory to guarantee the safety of people: all the tools available are in the field, from monitoring to tube traps, up to information actions with the positioning of new signs (about 5,000 have been planned) in the areas frequented by bears and awareness initiatives regarding the behaviors to be implemented to protect the safety of residents and guests. Part of these actions is also the continuous discussion with the State authorities on the liberalization of anti-bear sprays, which has an estimated effectiveness rate of 97%.

The councilor with responsibility for large carnivores, Roberto Failoni, is delighted: «This is the confirmation of a perception that emerged clearly during the meetings we promoted in western Trentino with the municipal administrators and the valley communities, to present the management, surveillance and communication initiatives implemented by the Province and Trentino Marketing».

2024-08-06 17:56:43

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