The PSG hand in danger, skiing in Virtual Reality… Your sports weekend in Île-de-France

by time news

Since the start of the season, Le Parisien has offered a selection of issues and events not to be missed in Île-de-France before each weekend. Their national selections being on the track, basketball and rugby are in off mode in the championship. The news therefore focuses on handball (male, the French women’s team competes in the Euro), and volleyball.

The poster not to be missed: PSG can lose big at Coubertin

HANDBALL. The suspense continues, and it is thrilling. Accustomed to dominating the French championship, PSG this time share the top of the Starligue standings with two other teams, and not just any ones: Nantes and Montpellier. The 9th day scheduled for this weekend risks upsetting the leading trio, and the Parisians are far from being serene. They indeed welcome Aix, which follows at four lengths.

Thierry Anti’s players, led by Nicolas Claire, Romain Lagarde, and a pair of formidable goalkeepers (Wesley Pardin/Alejandro Romero) have everything to gain by winning at Coubertin (Sunday, 4 p.m.), especially since Luc Steins and his teammates are a little tough with a very dense month of November (7 matches), as shown by the difficult victory last weekend against Chambéry.

The number: 0

HANDBALL. In Proligue, Pontault-Combault is the leader after eight days, and above all the only team, if we count the Starligue, not to have lost a single match. In Sarrebourg (7th), the players of Guillaume Saurina will have to be wary but they will have the favors of the forecasts. Just like Massy (11th), who receives Besançon (13th), and Tremblay (4th) who has only successes (4) for the moment outside and who will challenge Nancy (9th).

The team to watch: Le Plessis-Robinson to confirm

VOLLEY. It may be the victory that will start everything. Last Sunday, Le Plessis-Robinson took the perfect lap on the Vélodrome de Roubaix by beating (3-1) Tourcoing. The Owls of Cédric Logeais (9th), carried by Samuel Jeanlys, the young sharp French defector from Poitiers, have the opportunity this Saturday to confirm in their gymnasium against Nice, the red lantern, who won only one of his first seven matches. The task looks much more complicated for Paris. Defeated at home by Chaumont, the leader, Dorian Rougeyron’s men are now attacking another summit. After having dominated Montpellier, the defending champion, then falling arms in hand and with a point, in front of Tourcoing, they go this Sunday to Tours, the dolphin of Chaumont.

Among the girls, it is not a summit that awaits Levallois, but an Everest with the arrival of Nantes. Everything separates the two formations which face each other this Saturday (8 p.m.). On the one hand, Franciliennes who are still looking for their first success and who will rely on the best libero in the championship, Tatiana Rizzo. On the other, an undefeated leader and a lethal weapon, the American Taylor Mims.

The challenge: dance with Yanis Marshall, the Star’Ac dance teacher

UNUSUAL. Yanis Marshall, the new dance teacher of the Star Academy 2022, gives three workshops (moments of exchange and sharing of experiences) at the Aquaboulevard in Paris, this Sunday, from 4 to 9 p.m. If you want to know how to dance like him, good news, the daily classes are specially adapted for beginners. Very busy with dance lessons at the Star Ac’, but also with the choreographies of the weekly bonuses of the show, Yanis Marshall still found some time in his busy schedule for the general public.

Thus, the first modern jazz workshop is provided by Matt Antonucci, his collaborator. The next two classes are given by Yanis Marshall in person, helped by Julie Ruzafa, his assistant: first a street jazz workshop in sneakers. Then, it’s time for a second workshop, for the more adventurous, of Yanis Marshall’s specialty: street jazz in high heels. Don’t be afraid to get high.

The place to be if you can’t wait to get back to the snow: Ground Control

WINTER SPORTS. If you can’t wait to reach the mountain, it’s finally the mountain that comes to you these Friday and Saturday. France Montagnes is settling in at Ground Control, in the 12th arrondissement of the capital (rue du Charolais) to unveil the event “La Montagne, ça vous passe! The Before”. The idea? Immerse Parisians in an immersive ski resort with free entertainment with free access, comforting delicacies, and other joys!

For the duration of the event, you can then enjoy the atmosphere of the mountain ahead of time by hurtling down the slopes thanks to a Virtual Reality ski simulator, by climbing aboard the articulated bobsleigh of La Plagne, in savoring the street-food showcasing regional mountain products… and taking advantage of three evenings that promise to be well-paced. This Friday, place at the LCZ Tour 2022 (on ticket office) for a cinema session in the company of the riders of La Clusaz before meeting for a DJ Set hosted by Radio Meuh.

The unusual: a short-track competition in Meudon

SHORT TRACK. It is one of the most spectacular sports of the Winter Olympics. A discipline where participants can reach 60 km / h and whose races are looped on social networks. This weekend, this Saturday and Sunday, the ice rink of the UCPA Sport Station in Meudon is hosting the first stage of the national short-track trophies.

For novices – and the curious – this discipline consists of a race where several skaters compete at the same time on the track for several laps over distances of 500 meters to 5 kilometers. Athletes wear helmets, because the risk of falling is greater than in speed skating. Strategy is key, especially for the longer races in terms of distance, as you have to choose whether to be in front to avoid jostling or to stay at the back of the pack to conserve energy.

An opportunity not to be missed for fans of this little brother of speed skating.

The program

HANDBALL. Starligue (9th day): Limoges – IVRY 36-29, CRETEIL – Sélestat 40-37, PSG – Aix (Saturday, 8:45 p.m., Coubertin stadium, Paris XVI). Proligue (9th day): Nancy – TREMBLAY (Friday, 8:30 p.m.); MASSY – Besançon (Saturday, 8.30 p.m., Center Omnisports Pierre de Coubertin), Sarrebourg – PONTAULT-COMBAULT (Saturday, 8.30 p.m.).

VOLLEY. Ligue A (8th day). PLESSIS-ROBINSON – Nice (Saturday, 7 p.m., Espace Omnisports); Tours – PARIS (Sunday, 5 p.m.). Women’s A League (6th day): LEVALLOIS – Nantes (Saturday, 8 p.m., Palais des Sports Marcel Cerdan); Terville-Florange – STADE FRANCAIS PARIS SAINT-CLOUD (Saturday, 7.30 p.m.).

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