The PSOE recognizes, after losing a seat in Madrid, that “it will be Junts who will have to decide the future Government of Spain”

by time news

2023-07-29 16:21:22

The PSOE spokesman in Congress, Patxi López, has indicated that the situation regarding the investiture after the CERA vote count, with which the PP has snatched a seat from the Socialists in Madrid, continues “to be the same” and has assured that it will be Junts who will have to decide the future Government of Spain. In the absence of official data on the completion of the count, everything indicates that the general vote will deprive the PSOE of a seat for Madrid in favor of the PP, with which the ‘popular’ would finally have 137 tally sheets compared to the 121 with which the socialists would remain. Before this change, the sum of PP (136), Vox (33) and Unión del Pueblo Navarro (1) remained at 170 seats, while that of the left block, without adding the votes of Junts, reached 172, thanks to the 122 that were calculated for the PSOE plus Sumar (31), ERC (7), Bildu (6), PNV (5) and BNG (1). But after the PSOE lost a seat in Madrid, the block on the left with independentistas and nationalists (without Junts) would remain at 171 seats, the same number that the block on the right would reach, added and the deputy that the PP wins.

At the moment, the Canary Islands Coalition, which has won a deputy, maintains that it will not support any government in which Vox or Sumar are in. The only option so that Sánchez does not have to resort to the yeses of those of Carles Puigdemont would be to obtain the support of the elected Canarian nationalist Cristina Valido. In López’s opinion, the change of the deputy to Madrid does not mean any change compared to the previous situation and, in his opinion, it will be Junts who will have to decide if he prefers a “progressive” government that “advances freedoms and rights” or one of “rights with the extreme right” and “delay in the commitment to coexistence” and “confrontation”. The socialist leader added that the two blocs aspiring to form a government also differ in how they understand and respect “the diversity and singularities of our country.” “Deep down, this is what is still at stake after the July 23 elections, where the majority of citizens said they did not want any kind of involution,” the spokesman stressed.

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