The PSOE snatches a mayoralty from the PP in Ourense with a motion of censure

by time news

2023-08-12 00:06:17

Xuntos Polo Irixo and PSOE have formalized this Friday the presentation of the first motion of censure of this mandate, less than two months after the inauguration of the councilors after the municipal elections of June 28, and with which, foreseeably , they will seize the baton of command from the current mayor, Manuel Cerdeira (PP).

Both formations had announced this week that they would present a motion of censure on the understanding that the residents “mainly support a change” in the Mayor’s Office, since Cerdeira, from the Popular Party, took office again as councilor on June 17, but in minority, with the support of four councilors compared to the five that add Xuntos (three) and PSOE (two).

Before the June inauguration, it was not possible to reach an agreement that has now been forged with a three-year distribution of the baton of command for the Xuntos candidate, Susana Iglesias, and the remainder for the socialist spokesperson, Iago Fariñas.

In the statement of reasons for carrying out the motion of censure, the two formations include four points, placing in the first term that there was no majority support for Manuel Cerdeira to be mayor of O Irixo “as was the case in recent years with his predecessor”. .

Secondly, it is emphasized that the mayor was “in a minority situation” that “will not allow him to govern for the benefit of the neighbors”; stressing the “impossibility” of constituting a Local Government Board in the last plenary session of organization of the City Council.

They also point out that the current situation “is the result of the disastrous management of the current mayor and his government group”, whom they accuse of having “abandoned” attention to the residents of Irixo and their needs.

Thus, they conclude that the residents “do not deserve” a councilor and a municipal government that “inherited the opportunity to work” and, instead, “preferred to walk and travel to Madrid and other places”, “to fairs and markets” instead of “visiting and fixing” the towns of O Irixo, for which reason they consider it necessary to “change the situation” and they assure that they will work to offer “other possibilities and attention”.

This is the first motion of censure that is produced in Galicia after the last municipal elections of May 28, when two months have not yet passed since the inauguration of the councilors after the elections.

It will reach the municipal plenary session in the next ten days. When the motion is debated, the PP will lose the government of the Ourense town, which it had led since in 1995 when the previous mayor, Manuel Penedo, went from Centristas de Galicia to the ranks of the PP, with whom he maintained an absolute majority until his death in 2019, when Manuel Cerdeira became mayor for the first time.

#PSOE #snatches #mayoralty #Ourense #motion #censure

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