The PSTU of Argentina will go on the lists of PO-MST in the Left Front and of Workers Unity

by time news

2023-07-05 12:48:27

In successive articles and statements we have insisted on the need for the FIT-U to go to PASO in a single list. This is because, on the one hand, we understand that it is better to present a single alternative for class independence, a list without bosses or their accomplices, who are dedicated to lining their pockets while the people starve. and also because the PASO cannot be the instance where the workers’ parties resolve their differences. It is a foreign land, where businessmen invest money, assemble and disarm at ease and piacere.

By PSTU – Argentina

Unfortunately, the division was imposed, the FIT-U will go to the PASO in two opposing lists, one made up of the PO and the MST, and the other by the PTS and IS. In addition, there will be two other lists (Política Obrera and the Nuevo MAS) that will go outside the front. We cannot fail to point out this as an error, which is done solely based on the dispute over places on the lists.

But the Argentine political reality, with a series of candidates who only propose different variants of adjustment and looting, and with struggles like that of the people of Jujuy who stand up to them in the streets, requires presenting an alternative in the elections, one that presents a different program , of confrontation with the IMF and imperialism, and for the independence of the working class.

For this reason, we will participate in the FIT-U lists. And since to do so it is necessary to be part of one of the lists that are presented to the PASO, without failing to point out our opposite position, we place our candidates in the PO-MST variant.

Read also | Argentina: the division of the left in the elections

For a worker and socialist Argentina

Our participation in one list or another does not cover the differences we have with both. We want to present an alternative to the workers, youth, and poor people against this system of misery and hunger. That alternative will not come by way of elections.

While the Government proposes Massa, a friend of the US and the IMF, to deepen the commitment of our country, and the opposition of Together for Change proposes a recipe that we have already suffered with Macri, Milei denounces the policies of the Government and opposition sectors such as “socialist”. The truth is that these plans not only have nothing to do with socialism, but that socialism is the only real alternative to adjustment policies.

The PSTU candidates will express clearly and positively, with revolutionary proposals, what for us the FIT-U does not explain.

That a revolution is necessary to set up a Socialist Argentina, without the IMF or the capitalists.

Our candidates will call to fight as in Jujuy, with organized workers and in the streets, facing the repression with what they have at hand. It is the path of that December 18, 2017 when we faced the robbery of retirees in front of Congress.

Also, because we understand that the struggle of the working class cannot stay within national borders, we will campaign in support of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people resisting the Russian invasion.

Among those we will present are Isabel Morales, an education worker, who will be a candidate for national deputy for the province of Buenos Aires. Pablo García, a mining worker, will be a candidate for Senator for Santa Cruz. Diego Chialvo, fired from La Virginia in Mendoza, will be a candidate for Parlasur, as well as Alejandro Bassi, in Chubut. Luciana Danquis, an education worker, and Graciela Camalli, a mental health worker, will be candidates for legislators in CABA. Juan Ignacio Jeréz, an education worker, will be a candidate for provincial deputy for the First Section in the Province of Buenos Aires. Héctor Mora, delegate of the internal commission of BedTime, will present himself as councilor in Malvinas Argentinas. Victor Sena, president of the Torgelon cooperative (recovered company), is a candidate for councilor in La Matanza. And Héctor de la Peña, ATE delegate, will be a candidate for councilor in Morón.

In addition, as we have already announced, in the provincial elections in Chubut, which will be on July 30, we will present ourselves together with the FIT-U.

Soon we will be carrying out street activities, talks, acts and more with them. We invite you to get closer, get to know our proposals in depth and join us in this campaign.

Published in: 04/07/2023

#PSTU #Argentina #lists #POMST #Left #Front #Workers #Unity

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