the public prosecutor requires a pure and simple release

by time news

2023-10-12 16:09:29

The trial of Colonel Ibrahima Naby Traoré, former special commissioner of the Ahmed Sékou Touré International Airport, resumed on October 12, at the Mafanco court of first instance. The hearing was devoted to pleadings and requisitions.

July 2022, Conakry is boiling. The National Front for the Defense of the Constitution, unhappy with the unilateral management of the transition by the CNRD, calls on its supporters to take to the streets and demand a rapid return to Constitutional order. To counter the demonstration, the junta decided to raid the leaders of the FDNC. To achieve this, a requisition for the purpose of prohibiting them from leaving the territory concerning them is taken by the Dixinn public prosecutor’s office. This is transmitted to the air and border police. Oumar Sylla alias Foniké Menguè and Ibrahima Diallo, respectively national coordinator and head of Operations, are arrested and imprisoned at the five-star hotel in Coronthie. Water flows under the bridge, the two members of the Front are released manu militari ten months later, tried and acquitted. Ibrahima Diallo then undertook a trip to Niger. He was stopped short in the airport departure lounge by the mistreatment of the DCPAF on the basis of the requisition taken a year earlier. He is made to understand that he will not leave the territory, despite the fact that he is not the subject of any legal proceedings. The trip aborted, Ibrahima Diallo filed a complaint against the special commissioner of the airport at the time, Colonel Ibrahima Naby Traoré for “attack on individual freedom and criminal abstention”.

At the bar, the defendant rejects the facts, explains having carried out the order of his superior, the public prosecutor at the Dixinn first instance court. In its submissions, the public prosecutor asks the judge, Mohamed Sangaré, to release him: “It appears from the documents submitted to the proceedings that what happened to Ibrahima Diallo cannot be attributable to the colonel. The act does not come from Ibrahima Naby Traoré. Dame Elise Guilavogui invites the complainant to take better action: “If he wants to pursue someone, he knows who he should target, it is not Ibrahima Naby Traoré. He didn’t do anything to her, they didn’t even see each other.” The defense agrees. Me Saa Millimouno accuses the civil party of having engaged in “a diabolical campaign against the colonel. My client has never executed an illegal order. The requisition prohibiting the complainant from leaving the territory still exists. The proof is that it is still forbidden to leave the country.” He asks not only to release his client, but also to condemn Ibrahima Diallo for “Abuse of constitution of civil party. For our civil interests, we ask you to sentence him to the symbolic franc…the denigration that my client has suffered is incredible.”

For the civil party, the defendant decided on his own to block Ibrahima Diallo. Me Salifou Béavogui assures that Ibrahima Naby Traoré used a simple “correspondence to prevent a citizen from leaving the territory, even though he is not subject to any restriction. The prosecutor’s correspondence was not accompanied by any written requisition…Ibrahima Diallo was not aware of this correspondence, he only saw it at the bar.” He also believes that the “requisition” brandished by the defendant and his lawyer no longer had any reason to exist “since my client was arrested and imprisoned. We cannot prohibit someone who is in prison from leaving the country.” He begs the judge not to release the accused: “It is a matter of principle, freedom has no price, only a judge can prohibit a citizen from coming and going. If the court lets him go, it will have encouraged a retrograde practice…his behavior is unforgivable.”

For civil interests, Me Salifou Béavogui asks the court to sentence Colonel Ibrahima NabyTraoré to the payment of 50 million Guinean francs. History of reimbursing the plane ticket, accommodation costs, catering that his client would have already financed. The deliberation is expected on October 26.

Yacine Diallo

#public #prosecutor #requires #pure #simple #release

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