the public service no longer appeals, even at the highest level

by time news
The lack of love for the public service affects all spheres of administration. 72779562/OceanProd –

From National Education to local authorities, the phenomenon of shortage is felt in the administration.

The figure has panicked many parents. Two months before the start of the school year in September 2022, 4,000 teachers were missing after the competitions. Pap Ndiaye, the Minister of National Education, who had to resort to the massive recruitment of contract workers to compensate for the lack of arms, admitted “an unprecedented context of tension for the recruitment of professors”.

The shortage phenomenon noted in Education is not new, and above all, far from being isolated. The Covid-19 crisis has revealed the great fatigue of overwhelmed caregivers and on the verge of breaking up. In the police, agents have been chaining overtime for years, the stock of which, unpaid, amounted to 24 million in 2019 according to the Court of Auditors. Justice personnel are overwhelmed with cases for lack of sufficient staff. As for local authorities, a study published in early 2022 states that 40% of them are struggling to recruit the 10,000 managers they need.

Disenchantment with function…

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