The PVEM proposes to regulate the sale of alcohol at home in Coahuila

by time news

The PVEM proposes to regulate the additional license to deliver alcoholic beverages at home in the state of Coahuila, with a cost of 9 thousand pesos, only for people of legal age who must present official identification.

Besides, establishes as an obligation of the owners or operators of establishments in which alcoholic beverages are consumed, to have a support program for the transfer of customers to their homes who, having drunk excessively, find themselves unable to return home by themselves. The cost of the service must be paid by the alcoholic person.

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Legislator Claudia Elvira Rodríguez Márquez proposed updating the Law for the Regulation of the Sale and Consumption of Alcohol and establishing the regulations for this kind of service, authorized since December 2021.

That year, Article 87 of the Finance Law was amended to establish that the issuance of a license for the operation of establishments that sell alcoholic beverages or that provide services in which alcoholic beverages are sold with home delivery, when so required by the customers, it should only be with a closed container.

Home delivery may be carried out by the establishments’ own personnel, or through transport network companies. This additional license will be valid for one year, so in its case, its revalidation must be requested in the first three months of each fiscal year.

He proposed that this license be authorized by the Ministry of Finance to regulate the delivery of alcoholic beverages at home.

In addition, it proposes supporting prevention centers and non-governmental organizations that promote permanent campaigns to reduce alcohol consumption or provide treatment to people who require it.

The same way, must carry out programs or actions aimed at preventing, combating and treating the abuse of alcoholic beverages and, where appropriate, the rehabilitation of alcoholics, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of the programs.

It proposes that the Ministry of Education of Coahuila implement permanent programs, actions and campaigns of diffusion, tending to inhibit the consumption of alcohol in adolescent students through knowledge of the effects it generates on health.

The same way, preventive campaigns will be carried out to educate youth about the harmful effects of alcohol, especially in pregnant women or who wish to conceive so that they avoid the consumption of intoxicating beverages during the gestation period, due to the damage caused to the being they conceive and during the lactation period.

Also proposes that students who are detected with alcoholic breath or incomplete or complete drunkenness, be subjected to treatment or community services to address the problem.

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The reform to be applied would be: Article 28-A (Addition): Establishments that have a current license for the sale of alcoholic beverages or that provide services in which they sell such beverages, may request from the Ministry of Finance, an additional license to deliver alcoholic beverages at home, in a closed container, when required by its customers.

The delivery referred to in this article It must be carried out in a closed container and within the same hours referred to in article 14 of this law.

Procedure: Home delivery of alcoholic beverages, It may be carried out by the establishments’ own personnel, or through transport network companies. -Home delivery will only be to people of legal age, who must present an official identity to prove it.

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