The question of the industrialization of Africa debated

by time news

2023-11-22 08:12:34

The daily L’Economist of Benin, the newspaper of decision-makers, organized a Special L’Economist club on Friday, November 17, 2023, at its headquarters. The theme of the discussions between the media and three experts is: ʺMarket and scale: Unlocking Industrialization through intra-African tradeʺ.
Belmondo ATIKPO
The three guests invited to the discussions examined with a fine-tooth comb the main axes of the problem on the industrialization of Africa. Arsène FADO Industrial Expert; ASSOUVI Coffi Dieudonné, Specialist in economic diplomacy, and Crépin OKOUOLOU, the general director of Sonimex SA, exchanged views on the general theme, ʺMarket and scale: Unlocking Industrialization through intra-African tradeʺ. Each expert, depending on their specialty, enlightened the audience. To better dissect the problem, the moderator of the session and the journalists asked several questions to the experts such as: What are the difficulties encountered by African manufacturers? What industrial policy should be adopted by African leaders for the successful industrialization of Africa? What is Benin’s place today on the African market? Is industrialization the solution to poverty? What is the future of industrial development in Benin? Faced with concerns, experts have provided some answers. For Dr Dieudonné Assouvi of the University of Limoges in France and industry expert, Benin is making efforts in the industrial field. He notes that there are sketches of industrialization. Dr Assouvi takes as an example the realization of the Glo-Djigbé industrial zone. For him, it is a good initiative which must be strengthened and take into account other areas. But he noted that there is still a way to go. Following him, the general director of the industrial company SONIMEX agreed. Crépin OKOUOLOU indicates that industrialization in Benin and Africa is progressing by leaps and bounds. He cited as an example some cases of industrial success under the Talon regime such as the GDIZ and others which are achieving feats and bringing added value to the national and African economy. Expert Arsène Fado looked back on the experiences in industrialization that he discovered through his numerous travels across the continent. In Ivory Coast, in the DRC, he noted progress in industrialization. But efforts must be made to reach the required level. Speaking about Benin, Fado Arsène praised the efforts of the executive but at the same time invites the government to stay the course to allow Benin to join the prized circle of large industrial nations. “But Africans are not yet ready for real industrialization and for the growth of their economy,” regrets Dr. Assouvi who sees the green half empty.
It should be noted that this special issue of the Economist’s Club is organized on the sidelines of the World Day for the Industrialization of Africa. A day initiated to encourage countries to become more involved in the industrial process, to raise awareness at the global level and mobilize international support for the industrial development of Africa. Industrialization Day decreed by the United Nations allows each year to address problems related to sustainable industrial development and to evaluate strategies for achieving the objectives aimed at making Africans equal partners in this new world. It is no longer just a question of producing, but of being competitive in order to hope to benefit from increasingly open and competitive markets. This competitiveness necessary for easy access to markets depends on the availability of qualified human resources, viable economic infrastructure, a legal framework favorable to commercial decision-making on the markets, in order to meet the challenge of access to markets, countries must coordinate and harmonize their points of view, and speak with one voice in matters of trade negotiations, particularly within the framework of the African Continental Free Trade Area (ZLECAF), economic partnership agreements (EPA) with the European Union, and in that of negotiations with the WTO.

QA November 22, 2023

#question #industrialization #Africa #debated

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