The rabbis in the letter: “Nar Hanukkah with a sports game as Passover on both sides”

by time news

Rabbi Mazuz, along with other rabbis, wrote in a letter to our traditional brothers ahead of this coming Sunday, when the World Cup final will be held in Qatar, exactly at the time of the lighting of the first Hanukkah candle: “One should light the Hanukkah candle early when the television is off and stay near the menorah with the family.” The full letter is inside

This coming Sunday, at the height of the time of lighting the first candle of Hanukkah, the final of the ‘World Cup’ sports competition that has been taking place in Qatar for the past few weeks will be held.

As a result, Sephardi rabbis wrote a letter intended for the traditional residents of the periphery, in which they warn of a number of obstacles surrounding the sporting event.

The letter is signed by the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Meir Mazoz, as well as Rabbi Zemach Mazoz, Rabbi Raphael Cohen, Rabbi Pinchas Cohen, Rabbi of Netivot, and Rabbi David Karai, Rabbi of Moshav Zimart.

Rabbi Meir Mazoz is even seen in a video saying that billions of people are watching a football game and therefore one should light the Hanukkah candle before the game and say these candles patiently.

In the letter, the rabbis write: “For those who cannot disconnect from the game and the final game starts at 17:00 at the time when they start lighting the first Hanukkah candle, the rabbis ask not to postpone the Hanukkah candle because of the game, and not to light a Hanukkah candle while watching the game because it misses two The sections and also not to turn on quickly.

The rabbis write that “light a Hanukkah candle when the TV is off and stay near the Hanukkah with the family as much as possible and tell the family that the mitzvot of the Torah are worth more, and the longer one stays by the candles, the stronger the personal example will be and the reward will be double from heaven.

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