The racist and homophobic Italian general, who found that homosexuals were not “normal”, was sacked

by time news

2023-08-18 17:41:41

A homophobic and sexist Italian general whose book had raised an outcry in the peninsula on Thursday August 17 has been sacked from his post as commander of the Military Geographical Institute, indicate italian media, this Friday, August 18. Questioned by AFP, the Ministry of Defense did not deny this information.

In his self-published book entitled “The Upside Down World”, released on August 10, General Roberto Vannacci, 54, former head of an elite corps of paratroopers, presents himself as “an heir of Julius Caesar”.

The sequel after the ad

“Dear homosexuals, you are not normal, make up your mind”he writes in particular in this book, in which he denounces “questionable rules of inclusion and tolerance imposed by minorities”.

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He violently attacks black volleyball player Paola Egonu, who plays in the Italian team: “Paola Egonu is of Italian nationality, but it is obvious that her features do not represent Italianness”.

The Minister of Defense condemns “rantings”

On Thursday, Defense Minister Guido Crosetto condemned the “rantings” of the general who has spent most of his career in the field, in Somalia, Rwanda, Afghanistan and Libya.

“General (Roberto) Vannacci has expressed opinions that discredit the Army (…) and the Constitution”castigated Thursday in a press release Guido Crosetto, a close friend of the far-right head of government, Giorgia Meloni.

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The ministry of “the Defense will launch the planned disciplinary procedure”, he specified. The staff also indicated that it had not been “informed of the contents of the book, which had never been subject to authorization by the military hierarchy”.

The sequel after the ad

According to the agency, General Vannacci was made available to the army forces.

“I don’t see why I should take a step back for a book in which I express my thoughts, without offending anyone”he defended himself this Friday on a television channel, Rete 4.

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