The rains do not stop the decline in the reservoirs

by time news

2023-05-17 01:09:54

The rains of the last week have failed to stop the decline in the Spanish water reserve, which has lost 384 cubic hectometres, as reported by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, which indicates that the reservoirs are at 48.2 percent of its total capacity, after losing 0.7 percent, and keep 27,033 cubic hectometres.

This week the rainfall considerably affected the entire Peninsula and the maximum was recorded in San Sebastián, where 102.2 liters per square meter accumulated.

At the moment, the reservoirs store almost 30 percent less water than the average of the last ten years (29.85%) and 4.48 percent less than just one year ago.

Of the total water reserve, the reservoirs for consumptive use, that is, for consumption and irrigation, are even lower, at 40.65 percent; while those of hydroelectric production are at 67.21 percent. It should be noted that the former have a total capacity of 38,663 cubic hectometres, while the latter can store up to 17,403 cubic hectometres.

By areas, the reserve is at 84.9 percent in Eastern Cantabrian and Western Cantabrian; 73.3 percent in Miño-Sil; 84.5 percent, Galicia Costa; 81 percent, the internal basins of the Basque Country; 66.5 percent, the Duero; at 59.4 the Tagus; 68.1 percent, in Red, Odiel and Piedras and 58.5 percent, Júcar.

Meanwhile, they are below half of their total capacity Guadiana, which is at 32.4 percent; Guadalete-Barbate, at 26.1 percent; Guadalquivir, at 24.2 percent; the Andalusian Mediterranean basin, at 34.4 percent; Segura, at 33.3 percent; Ebro, at 49.7 percent and the internal basins of Catalonia, at 25.3 percent.

#rains #stop #decline #reservoirs

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