The Ranomafana-Ikopa hydroelectric power station financed by the (…)

by time news

Projects in the energy sector are multiplying. Yesterday a framework agreement relating to the granting of a loan of 240 million dollars was signed between the Chinese government and the Malagasy government. This preferential loan will enable the development of the Ranomafana hydroelectric power station on the Ikopa River. This project was announced in 2016 but negotiations with donors lasted several years.

The capacity of the future Ranomafana hydroelectric plant is estimated at 64 MW. The energy produced will be used to supply the interconnected network of Antananarivo. With its 2 production units of 32 MW each, and an annual producible energy estimated at 311 GWh, it will be 24% of the production of the RIA that will be obtained thanks to this project.

“This is the largest financial cooperation project in the history of cooperation between our two countries and one of the largest Chinese financing projects in Africa. expressed the Chinese Chargé d’Affaires Zhang Wei, during the signing of this agreement at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday in Anosy. If we refer to the documents on the site of the Ministry of Energy, this work of execution of the works will be entrusted to the Chinese company SynoHydro Corporation Limited.

According to the site of the Exim Bank, the Chinese state bank which grants this preferential loan, it can only be granted if Chinese companies are responsible for the operations financed by the loan. It is further provided that at least half of the supplies for the performance of the contract (equipment, machinery, technology and services) must come from China.

The construction project of the Ranomafana hydroelectric power plant is located on the Ikopa River about 95km northwest of Antananarivo, including 69 km on RN4 and a 26km track. The Ranomafana hydroelectric development site will be installed along the Ikopa River.

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