The reactions of Israeli athletes to the attack in Bnei Brak and Ramat Gan

by time news

Israel national team star Eran Zehavi, who did not participate in the last two games against Romania and Germany, called on all players of the team – Jews and Arabs alike – to condemn the recent attacks. After seeing that players from the Arab sector in the team did not do so, he wrote in the WhatsApp group of players that he was “very disappointed with the disregard”, and that he “does not understand what it stems from”.

Zehavi wrote, among other things: “It hurts me to see that none of the Arab players raised anything, each for his own reasons. I was very disappointed, people may be scared, but there was an opportunity here to show commitment and unity around the team in Israel. On the one hand I am disappointed, on the other I appreciate that you do not do one by one and one by heart, “Zehavi teased at the end of the post.

“They’re not good enough to change an array to stop them.” Zehavi and Dabour are celebrating | Bernie Ardov

It should be noted that Zehavi himself has written several times in recent days on his Instagram account condemning the attacks, and called on the government to take action to combat it. As mentioned, as a key player on the team, he expected all the players, including the Arab players, to behave this way.

As you may recall, those who were on the team at the current conference from the Arab sector are Mons Dabour, who won a double yesterday, Muhammad Abu Fani, Iyad Abu Abid and Ramzi Spouri.

Shortly after the golden message, Spori posted a post condemning the attacks on Instagram. “It is time to unite. The heart aches and the soul bleeds from the murderous terrorist attacks, to which one cannot remain indifferent,” he wrote. “I condemn and are shocked by the events. I wish a speedy recovery to the wounded and share in the grief of the families of the murdered and hope that this period will pass without any more victims.” He was followed by a long line of stars from the sector who also condemned the events. In contrast, Hatem ‘Abd al-Hamid refused to condemn and explained why in a post that attacked Zehavi.

Yossi Benyon also commented on the situation and wrote: “Finishing the first two weeks as the team’s professional manager. Full of pride, ever more optimistic but with a broken heart from pain because of the terrible days we all go through. “He will succeed in breaking us. We will return to life and routine stronger and more united than ever.”

On the morning after the deadly attack in Bnei Brak and Ramat Gan, the winds in the Israeli sports world did not calm down and the great tension from the streets reached the team.

In the morning after the call of Sari Fallah, whose cousin was killed in a terrorist attack in Hadera, to the stars of the Arab sector to condemn the wave of terror, no references to events were published by representatives of the sector in national teams, and only Mahran Abu Ria, a former Premier League player, wrote: .

Condemnation also came in an official statement from Bnei Reina from the top of the National League, which read: “The Maccabi Bnei Reina football club condemns the heinous crime in recent days that does not represent Arab society in Israel. Muslims, Jews, Christians and Druze and to maintain the values ​​of peace and tolerance and together we will continue to live and together we will win “

Ural Degani's response to the attack in Bnei Brak
| Official site, Instagram
San Menachem in response to the attack in Bnei Brak
| Official site, Instagram

Yonatan Cohen in response to the attack in Bnei Brak
| Official site, Instagram
Dan Glazer in response to the attack in Bnei Brak
| Official site, Instagram
Mahran Abu Reya in response to a terrorist attack in Bnei Brak
| Official site, Instagram
The story of Boris Kleiman after the attack in Bnei Brak
| Screenshot, from Boris Kleiman’s Instagram page
Yiftach Ziv's story after the attack in Bnei Brak
| Screenshot, Yiftach Ziv’s Instagram page
The story of Elon Almog after the attack in Bnei Brak
| Screenshot, Elon Almog’s Instagram page
Dan Bitton's story after the attack in Bnei Brak
| Screenshot, Dan Bitton’s Instagram page
The history of this generation after the attack in Bnei Brak
| Screenshot, Instagram of the generation of these

Goalkeeper Boris Kleiman, who plays for the Greek Volos, wrote in English: “Where are all those idiots who called for the liberation of Palestine? Look really. They work with us, live among us and then murder us.”

Maccabi Tel Aviv basketball player Yiftach Ziv also posted things on Instagram after the victory in Greece: “Victory is important but nothing comes close to the feelings in the heart,” the coordinator wrote. “We have to overcome the sad reality and live in security and peace.”

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