The readiness of Municipalities and Regions for the inclusion of anti-flooding projects is questionable

by time news

2023-10-31 13:51:47

Editorial RoomCurrent Affairs

The Regions and Municipalities have a “golden” opportunity to immediately proceed with the construction of flood protection projects, following the invitation entitled “Construction of new flood protection projects” for the submission of proposals to the Ministry of National Economy and Finance’s “Environment and Climate Change” NSRF program 2021-2027.

The disasters caused by natural phenomena and the fear of young people in similar cases led the government to review its financial priorities, deciding to channel funds for the anti-flood shielding of areas that have been affected by catastrophic events (e.g. floods, fires, etc.) strong natural phenomena) and become extremely vulnerable to flood risk, however potential beneficiaries are all the Municipalities and Regions of the country. Within the framework of the proposed action, indicatively and according to the relevant studies, projects can be implemented to preserve the geometric elements of the cross-sections of the bed (stream-river-river), and consequently its drainage capacity against floods, technical works, reinforcement of slopes and construction of terraces, smoothing of slopes, etc. The question, however, is to what extent the Municipalities and Regions have ready studies in their hands, so that they can claim a piece of the big pie of flood prevention projects.
As far as Epirus is concerned, it is known that the Region of Epirus is preparing the flood protection study of the Ioannina Basin, with a budget of 2.3 million euros, the time horizon of which completion, however, is June 2024, as also mentioned in the development plan “380+ projects for Epirus in 2030”, presented by the government last April, just before the national elections.
An update on the topic of the study and on the readiness of the Municipality of Ioannina to include anti-flood protection projects, the leader of the “Ioannina_2023” faction, Tatiana Kalogianni, requested at the municipal council meeting on Monday, with the mayor, however, replying that an update would be provided in next meeting.
In particular, T. Kalogianni requested information on whether the study has been completed and received by the Region of Epirus, which projects, measures and actions of the study concern the Municipality of Ioannina, whether the Municipality of Ioannina is in coordination with the Region of Epirus on who will undertake the implementation of the resulting projects, as well as which of these projects are to be submitted to the aforementioned invitation. “In short, are you ready for the submission of proposals in the above framework or will we wait for the next programming period”, was the question he asked finally.


#readiness #Municipalities #Regions #inclusion #antiflooding #projects #questionable

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