The real obstacle to peace: 75% of Palestinians support the savage Hamas attack of 7-O

by time news

2023-11-19 12:59:33

It is a frequently repeated quote, but rarely as relevant as this one: in 1973 Golda Meir wrote in his autobiography that “peace will come when the Arabs They love their children more than they hate us.“.

sixty years later that day has not yet come: a survey conducted among Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank reveals that 75% of them support the massacre of civilians Israelis that the terrorists Hamas carried out on October 7 and that has unleashed the war between Israel and the terrorist organization that is currently developing in the Gaza Strip.

According to the survey, which was conducted by Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD) between October 31 and November 7 and which has included nearly 700 interviews, 59% of Palestinians fully support the Hamas terrorist attack in which more than 1,000 civilians were murdered, many of them minors, entire families were tortured and women were raped. Furthermore, 16% support it “to some extent” and another 11% do not support it but are not against it either. Finally, only 13% are openly against of the macroatentado.

A curious fact is that unconditional support for Hamas’ indiscriminate attacks is greater in the case of Palestinians residing in the West Bank –68%– than of those who are suffering all its consequences in Gaza: 47%.

The “reasons” for the attack

Those interviewed in the survey cite several reasons that would justify the pogrom carried out by Hamas: the main one is the alleged “oppression” and, especially, the “Al Aqsa attacks”the mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem that Palestinians have used to riot.

Another 33% cited things like “liberate Palestine, end the occupation and stop the settlements” and, finally, 21% spoke of “breaking the blockade of Gaza”.

An interesting fact is that only 6% cited reasons related to interests beyond those of Palestine itself: 1% would consider that with the normalization process of Israel with the Arab countries and, finally, 5% relate it to what all international analysts have seen after the Hamas attack: Iran and its geostrategic interests.

The crazy Palestinian optimism

Another very striking aspect of the survey is the optimism with which the Palestinians face the current war conflict between Hamas and Israel. To begin with, it should be noted that the majority of them – 65% – see it as a war against all Palestinians, while 18% focus only on what it really is: an operation to put an end to the terrorist group.


From that first false conception, the Palestinians show incredible optimism about what the final result of the conflict will be: an astonishing 73% believe that the Palestinians will be the winners while Hamas is being destroyed in Gaza. Furthermore, another 14% assure that “neither of the two parties” will prevail, 10% are not sure and, finally, only 3% believe that Israel will be the one who wins.

That optimism, on the contrary, does not entirely correspond to the vision they have about what the outlook will be like after the war: only 40% They expect the situation on the ground to be similar to the pre-war situation, while 20% expect more restrictions, more settlements and, of course, Jerusalem to remain controlled by Israel.

22%, for their part, expect that the Palestinian National Authority regain control over the Gaza Strip – a control that Hamas took from Hamas in a civil war in 2007 – and the vast majority – 75% – support a government of national unity, while only 14% prefer Hamas to dominate the two Palestinian territories and 8% those who opt for Fatah to exercise that control.

Two-state solution?

While from many political spheres in Europe and especially from the left, the so-called “two-state solution” is used as a kind of Fierabrás balm capable of instantly solving the conflict – for example, the first compromise of Pedro Sanchez in his inauguration speech last Wednesday was to recognize the Palestinian State – a piece of information from the survey gives a different perspective on the matter.

And not only does the reality on the ground make these two states impossible in the short and medium term, it is that even Palestinians believe in them less and less every day: 68% of those surveyed say that their support for this formula is less now than before and, in addition, 90% have also seen how their belief that coexistence with Israel is possible has decreased.

The latter data is in line with another of those revealed by the survey: 87% of Palestinians would be less willing to a peace agreement with Israel now than they claimed to be before the war in Gaza.

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