The Real Truth About Love: These 3 Zodiac Signs Say No to Bad Love on November 20, 2023

by time news

Title: Moon Square Mars: 3 Zodiac Signs Say Goodbye to Bad Love on November 20, 2023

In a world where love is often considered the answer to all of life’s problems, the reality is that sometimes love just isn’t enough. This sentiment is especially true on November 20, 2023, during the transit of Moon square Mars. On this day, three zodiac signs are set to say goodbye to bad love and take a stand for what they truly deserve.

For Sagittarius, the realization that empty words and lackluster efforts are all they have received from their partner finally hits home. During the transit of Moon square Mars, they will put their foot down and demand more than just meaningless “I love yous.”

Capricorn has been accepting what can only be described as “bad love” for far too long. However, the transit of Moon square Mars empowers them to say the one word they’ve been unable to utter for so long: No. This is the day they turn down mediocrity and finally reject their partner’s empty words.

As for Aquarius, the transit of Moon square Mars brings with it a newfound realization that their partner’s love is nothing more than empty words meant to placate them. This transit empowers them to say no more and demand the respect and effort they truly deserve in their relationship.

Ultimately, Moon square Mars serves as a powerful reminder that love alone cannot fix a broken relationship. It’s a wake-up call for these zodiac signs to demand more from their partners and to say goodbye to bad love once and for all.

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