The reason why gray hair appears and how to prevent it from turning yellow, according to an expert

by time news

In our hair and on our skin we have cells called melanocytes who make the melaninand pigment that protects both the hair and the body from harmful effects such as UV rays.

If we do not give these melanocytes the care they require, they can become a tumor called melanoma and stop producing melanin; so our hair will be more exposed and will start to turn white.

He first advice that the pharmacist Jerónimo Ors gives us to prevent it is avoid situations that stress our body and follow a diet rich in antioxidant foods such as leeks, pineapple, spinach or tomato.

They have a substance called catalase that limits and slows down premature bleaching of hair. As a complement in the video, he shows a shampoo that contains antioxidant substances that prevent gray hair from taking on a yellowish color.

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