Recently, shared with ZnewsMs. Tran Thi Thanh Thuy – film producer Turning Point said that on August 18, an account named CVQN accused the film crew of “leaving the actors to go to the sewing room themselves, then rushing out to demand a lawsuit if they were not present in Phu Yen at 9am on August 20 to continue filming, instead of in the afternoon”.” after Actress Thuy Anh injured during filming.
Ms. Tran Thi Thanh Thuy confirmed that the accusation was fabricated. “After Thuy Anh was injuredI and many people in the crew are concerned and ask about this because this is an accident that no one wants,” she said.
Ms. Tran Thi Thanh Thuy said, Thuy Anh had an accident on set on August 12 due to standing in the wrong position compared to the initial rehearsals. On August 17, the company asked Thuy Anh to return to the film crew on the morning of August 20 to continue filming. The new filming schedule was based on the time the actress discussed with her assistant.
Actress Thuy Anh. Photo: FB Thuy Anh. |
“The entire film crew of 60 people stopped all work, and the other actors also had to rearrange their schedules due to the 1-week delay in filming to wait for Thuy Anh to return,” said Ms. Tran Thi Thanh Thuy.
According to Ms. Thuy, the film project was forced to stop production due to the controversy, faced difficulties in coordinating with television stations to release the film, and was at risk of having to cancel the entire project, liquidate contracts with actors, support crew and services. Also according to Ms. Thuy, the estimated damage to the entire film project is about 20 billion VND.
Movie producer Turning Point terminated the contract, requiring Thuy Anh to pay the penalty, compensation for damages, and reimbursement within 7 days with a total amount of more than 20 billion VND.
Thuy Anh’s side just shared on Vietnamese people, The film producer is very stubborn. The actress will sue if the producer affects her reputation and honor. Currently, all statements by Thuy Anh will be made by her lawyer.
Dear readers, please watch the trailer for episode 2 of the movie “Love and Ambition”. Source: Youtube/VTV