the reasons why students from a school in Mazatenango receive classes outside their facilities

by time news

A group of 33 first grade children from the Colonia San Andrés school in Mazatenango receive classes under an almond tree because they don’t have a classroom.

This problem is repeated with another six groups of students were installed in the school corridorIn addition to a classroom, they also lack desks, so parents must buy furniture for their children to receive classes, evidencing the abandonment of educational centers by the Ministry of Education.

Upon entering the educational center, several parents were observed while they transported desks so that their children can take classes.

Diana Inamá Morales is a single mother who has two children in this educational center and he had to invest Q300 to buy desks and that their children receive an education in a dignified manner. Morales works as a street vendor on suburban buses and earns approximately Q75 per day.

When consulted, she indicated that despite the economic crisis in the country and the lack of work, It is important that your children studyso she decided to invest the profit of four days so that her children have a place to sit and receive classes.

In addition, he emphasized the government’s neglect of educational centers and asked the authorities solve the problem since their children receive classes outdoors due to lack of rooms.

The first group of students that is observed when entering the school is the first primary grade where 33 children they take refuge from the sweltering sun of the coast under the shade of an almond treewhere they use a concrete circle so that several children who do not have a desk can sit and use it to write during class.

At the weather

Irma Montalván, a first grade teacher, reported that they do not have a classroom, so they take advantage of the shade of the almond tree to receive classes, however, children lose attention due to the discomfort of the place and be out in the open.

He stressed that during the summer this action is viable, but in winter they will have serious problems to continue with the classes. Another of the problems they suffer is the lack of furniture, so parents should bring desks.

The lack of space affects another six groups of students from different grades who they must receive classes in the corridors of the schoolcausing difficulty in learning that they are surrounded by other groups of students who receive classes making their learning difficult.

Lack of space

Elizabeth Altuzar, director of the San Andrés neighborhood school, indicated that this year increased school enrollment but they cannot deny enrollment to students Despite the lack of space and furniture, he stated that six grades receive classes in the school corridors in anti-pedagogical conditions due to lack of infrastructure, while other grades are in a warehouse that has been converted into classrooms.

33 students from a school located in Mazatenango have to receive classes under a tree, due to the lack of furniture. (Free Press Photo: Marvin Túnchez)

He concluded by indicating that the educational center need at least 8 classrooms and 200 desks to shovel the current educational demand.

Students receive classes under a tree
A teacher and the director of a school located in the San Andrés neighborhood, in Mazatenango, commented on how the lack of furniture and resources makes it difficult for students to take classes. (Free Press Photo: Marvin Túnchez)

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