The Rebbe of Belza is sitting at Telz Stone • All Shabbat events and times

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In the courtyards of the Admors and Chassidim:

Belza: The Rebbe from Belza is sitting at his residence in Kiryat Ya’arim Telz Stone, where he is staying for rest starting this week.

Sanz: The Rebbe of Sanz will rest at his residence in Caesarea.

Carlin Stolin: The Rebbe of Karlin Stolin sits to rest in Tiberias.

Viznitz: All Viznitz followers from Eretz Israel and emissaries from all the holy congregations abroad, will come and gather for a Shabbat at the Hasidic Center on Shlomo Hamelech Street in Bnei Brak.

Biala: The Rebbe of Biala is sitting in Ma’ale Amos among his followers.

Sarat Vizhnitz: The Rebbe of Seret Viznitz sits at his residence on Mount Canaan in Safed.

Pinsk Carlin: The Rebbe of Pinsk Carlin is sitting in Davos, Switzerland, where he is staying for rest.

Babov: Peace be upon him on the occasion of the birth of the grandson of the Rebbe of Babov, the daughter of his son Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshil Hellerstam, son-in-law of Rabbi Berish Friedman, Rabbi of Beit Yisrael Sidehorst, son of Rabbi Av Beit Din and son-in-law of Rabbi Papa Jerusalem.

Modzic – Laluv Beit Shemesh: Shabbat Sheva Brachot on the occasion of the marriage of the Rebbe’s great grandson, the groom Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Taub son of Rabbi Aharon Taub Rosh Yeshivot Modzich sun.

Sadigura: Shabbat Sheva Brachot on the occasion of the marriage of the groom Rabbi Shimon Menachem Nahum Friedman, the youngest son of the Rebbe of the Ateret Yisrael of Sadigura, with the daughter of Rabbi Meir Itamar Shweid Av Beit Din of Halkat Yaakov, will be held in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn.

Toldot Avraham Yitzchak – Kalov – ISIS: Shabbat Sheva Brachot on the occasion of the marriage of the grandson of the Rebbe of Toldot Avraham Yitzchak, grandson of his son-in-law Rabbi Eliezer Zvi Toib Av Beit Din of Kalov Beitar, son of the Rebbe of Kalov , The son of the High Court of Justice Av Beit Din of Nefelemitz, with the daughter of the Rebbe of ISIS Jerusalem, will be held at the ISIS Court in Jerusalem.

Viznitz Williamsburg: Shabbat Sheva Brachot on the occasion of the marriage of the grandson of the Rebbe of Viznitz Williamsburg, son of his son-in-law Rabbi David Tversky Rosh Kollel Emet and Emunah Viznitz Monsey Rabbi Moiznitz of Monsey, daughter of his son Rabbi Moshe Hagar Rosh Yeshiva Katna Imri Chaim Viznitz in Niyak, and son-in-law of the Rebbe of Bixad, will be held in Monsey where the Rebbe of Moiznitz Williamsburg will be held.

Chernobyl: The Rebbe of Chernobyl is sitting in the north as part of Shabbat governors and supporters who contributed to the construction of the new yeshiva building ‘Tiferet Meshulam Zusia’ Chernobyl in Elad.

Dzikov Viznitz: The great kiddusha on the occasion of the birth of the granddaughter of Admor Madzikov Viznitz, daughter of his eldest son Rabbi Menachem Mendel Adler, son-in-law of Rabbi Baruch Sternbuch Av Beit Din of Viznitz Brachfeld and granddaughter of Rabbi Menachem Ernster R.I. Viznitz, will be held at the Dzikov Viznitz seminary in Beit Shemesh.

The Halevi Tribe: The Rebbe of the Halevi Tribe who is currently on a holy journey in New York, Shabbat to Shabbat is a great association for all students and graces of the Halevi Tribe in the United States in a luxurious hotel in the country mountains of New York.

Nadborna Jerusalem: The Rebbe of Nadborna Jerusalem sits in nearby Lizhensk, Poland, and is seen to commemorate Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk in the framework of the “Individual of Virtue” campaign for the governors and supporters of the institutions.

Spinka: Peace be upon him on the occasion of the birth of his great-grandson to the Rebbe of Spinka, grandson of his son Rabbi Yechiel Yehoshua Weiss son-in-law Rabbi Av Beit Din of Makava Ashdod son of Rabbi Moshe Natan Neta Weiss son-in-law Rabbi Shimon Kornreich son of the Rebbe of Shidlovtsa Rabbi Avloi Bnei Brak will be held at the Spinka Beit Midrash on Donolo Street in Bnei Brak.

Bastan: The Rebbe of Bastan from Beitar, who is currently in the United States, is sitting in the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn. At Mutzak, the Rebbe will hold a ‘Maluda Malka’ meal together with the Shabbat Rebbe from Bastan in the Beit Midrasho Hall.

Spinka Ramat Aharon: Peace on the occasion of the birth of the grandson of the Rebbe of Spinka Ramat Aharon, son of his son Rabbi Eliezer Shimon Weiss son-in-law of Rabbi Shlomo Goldman Rosh Kollel ‘Yad Eliezer’ Melitz, son of Rabbi Shmuel Goldman Rama in B.B.

Alexander USA: A crowd of Hasidim and fans of the Alexander USA House, led by the Rebbe, sat down for the Shabbat of Unity and Ascension in Jerusalem, on the occasion of the expansion of the sacred boundaries at the inauguration of the new and spacious Chassidim House located on Rabbi Gershom Street in Jerusalem. ‘Tiferet Menachem’ from the late Alexander. Chassidut notes that it has been more than a decade since the Rebbe Shlita had not yet stayed in Jerusalem on Shabbat. Shabbat prayers will be held at the Chassidim House at 21 Rabbeinu Gershom Street and the tables will be held at the Tchenkov Yeshiva on Polanski Street (formerly Novharduk).

Lalev USA: The Rebbe from Lalev USA who came to visit Israel Yeshivot in Bnei Brak, the hostel at his brother – in – law Rabbi Shalom Sofer’s house.

Zuchka Amsna: The Rebbe of Zuchka Amsna is sitting in the Stamford Hill neighborhood of London, the prayers and tishim in the Beit Midrash ‘Mamer Mordechai’.

Kretschnif Siget: The Rebbe of Kretschnif Siget is sitting in the Golders Green neighborhood of London, the Tish on Saturday night at the Hasidic House of Alexander, the prayers and a third meal in a hall on Bridges Street.

Ungwar USA: The Rebbe of Ungwar from the USA, the meetings of Jerusalem, the prayers and the Tishim in his beit midrash.

Zvehel: The Rebbe of Zoveh is sitting in Monsey, the hostel in the house of Rabbi Michael Goldstein.

Shendishov: The Rebbe of Shendishov who visits Eretz Yisrael sits for a closed Shabbat in Modi’in Illit.

Slonim: The Gaon Rabbi Moshe Berezovsky R.I. Slonim are sitting in London, the prayers and the ‘Bate’ in the Slonim Beit Midrash.

Kretschnif: Rabbi David Moshe Rosenbaum Av Beit Din of Kretschnif Yeshivot at Atra Kadisha Meron together with a crowd of Kretschnif followers in the Holy Land and guests from abroad, the prayers in the “Tadgi” complex.

Chernivtsi Rabbi Moshe Yehoshua Tversky, son of the Rebbe of Chernivtsi from Boro Park, among the Chernivtsi followers in Monsey.

Seekers of Faith: The Rebbe of Faithfuls sits in Ramla, during Shabbat he will give sermons and hold Tishim in synagogues and bring the distant public closer to their Father in heaven.

Lalev: The Rebbe of Lalev is sitting in Safed for rest, the prayers at the Beit Midrash Laluv in the city.

Bohosh: Aliyah to the Torah on the occasion of the marriage of the grandson of the Rebbe of Bohosh, son of his son-in-law, Rabbi Nachum David Stern, son of the Rebbe Av Beit Din of Rachmestrivka Bnei Brak, Biderman, the son-in-law of Rabbi Elimelech Tyrnoyer from Kiryat Tahash, will be held at the Bohosh seminary on Hagai Bnei Brak.

Shatz Viznitz – Nadborna – Biala Peshisha: Shabbat Sheva Brachot on the occasion of the marriage of the granddaughter of the Rebbe of Shatz Viznitz, daughter of his son-in-law Rabbi Shmuel Shmalka Rosenbaum Rosh Kollel ‘Davar Chaim’ Avraham Yaakov Itzkowitz, rabbi of the Shevet Halevi congregation in Jerusalem, Rabbi Alter Yitzchak Rabinowitz, will be held at the Shatz Viznitz seminary in Haifa. On the occasion of the celebration, the uncle, the Rebbe of Talna from Ashdod, is also sitting in Haifa.

Kosov Vizhnitz: The Rebbe of Kosov Vizhnitz is sitting in Lakewood, New Jersey, where he is resting.

Levyev Chernivtsi – Paltichan – Handin: Shabbat Sheva Brachot at the Levyev Chernivtsi – Paltichan – Handin, will be held at the Levyev Chernivtsi Beit Midrash in the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn.

Shatz Drahavich – Zvahil: Shabbat Sheva Brachot in Beit Shatz Drahavich – Zvahil, will be held in the Beit Midrash Shatz Drahavitch in Beit Shemesh.

The Haredi community: The aliyah to the Torah on the occasion of the marriage of the son of Rabbi Shimon Yitzchak Schlesinger, a member of the Haredi community, will take place in the Beit Midrash Anshei Yerushalayim on Adoniyahu HaCohen Street in Jerusalem.

Scalia: The Rebbe of Scalia is meeting in Monsey on the occasion of Shabbat Sheva Brachot in the marriage of his grandson, Shitim in Papa Hall.

Dzhirka: Peace is commemorated on the occasion of the birth of the grandson of the Dzirka Rebbe, the son of his beloved son, Rabbi Israel Moshe Brizel.

Shatz Monsey: Aliyah to the Torah on the occasion of the marriage of the son of Rabbi Yitzchak Michal Moskowitz, Av Beit Din of Shatz Monsey, son of the Rebbe of Shatz Williamsburg, son-in-law of the Rebbe with the Torah From Bixad, the daughter of his son, Rabbi Wolwell Fish, son-in-law of the Rebbe of Cassani, will be held at the Schatz Court in Monsey.

From Clal Yofi: Hagatz Rabbi Zalman Leib Philip Av Beit Din from Clal Yofi Yeshivot in Kiryat Tahash, Canada on the occasion of the marriage of his grandson, son of his son Rabbi Philip, son-in-law of the Rebbe of Spinka Montreal.

In the courts of the great men of Israel, the rabbis and heads of the yeshivot:

Minchat Yehuda: Shabbat Kodesh will mark the 11th anniversary of the Rosh Yeshiva of Rabbi Michal Yehuda Lipkovitz, the late author of Minchat Yehuda. During Shabbat, the heads of the yeshivot and the rabbis of the communities will give Torah lessons and morals from his Torah.

Ponivez: Aliyah to the Torah on the occasion of the marriage of the Rosh Yeshiva Grig Edelstein, grandson of his son-in-law Rabbi David Levy, one of the leaders of the Ponivez Yeshiva, grandson of Rabbi Noah Plai ‘, Will be held at the Ponivez Yeshiva, the wedding celebration on Sunday at the World Cup halls in Jerusalem.

Bnei Brak: Shabbat Sheva Brachot on the occasion of the marriage of the grandson of Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, son of his son-in-law Rabbi Avraham Yeshayahu Adler of the Rosh Yeshiva of Rabbi Chaim Ozer in Bnei Brak, The yeshiva, and the granddaughter of Rabbi Ze’ev Shapira, one of the leaders of the Beit Meir yeshiva.

Jerusalem: Shabbat Sheva Brachot on the occasion of the marriage of the granddaughter of the Mashgiach Rabbi Dan Segal, with the son of Rabbi Chaim Freund, CEO of Ezer Mitzion.

Ner Yisrael: Shabbat Sheva Brachot on the occasion of the marriage of the grandson of Rosh Yeshivat Ner Yisrael in Baltimore and a member of the Council of Torah Scholars, Rabbi Aharon Feldman, the groom, his grandson Habibu, the important young man Israel Meir Feldman, the son of Yeshivat Ponivez

Ateret Shlomo: Shabbat Sheva Brachot on the occasion of the marriage of the son of Rosh Yeshivat Ateret Shlomo Gaon Rabbi Shalom Ber Sorotskin with the granddaughter of Dayan Gaon Rabbi Zalman Nehemiah Goldberg ztl.

Salvodka: Aliyah to the Torah on the occasion of the marriage of the youngest son of the Rosh Yeshivat Salvodka, Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz, with The great-granddaughter of the late Garin Greiniman To his son-in-law, Rabbi David Hanoch HaCohen Zilber, A kiddush will be held in the Salvodka Yeshiva Hall in Bnei Brak after the Kiddush prayer in the yeshiva’s dining room. The wedding will take place on Sunday in the halls of the Royal Palace in Bnei Brak.

Ponivez: The aliyah to the Torah on the occasion of the marriage of the son of Rabbi Yosef Weinberg, R.M.

Be’er Ya’akov: Shabbat Sheva Brachot on the occasion of the marriage of the granddaughter of Rabbi David Yitzchak Shapira, head of the Be’er Ya’akov Yeshiva, daughter of his son, Rabbi Shimon Shapira, one of the heads of the yeshiva.

Modi’in Illit: Gershom Mahfoud Gabad Yorah De’a is sitting in the city of Modi’in Illit, on the occasion of the joy of his grandson’s marriage. The rabbi will pray the Shabbat prayers at the Breslav Yeshiva for young people at 11 Rav and Shmuel Street in Brechfeld.

Tiberias: Shabbat Sheva Brachot on the occasion of the marriage of the granddaughter of the Tzaddik Rabbi Dov Kook of Tiberias, great-granddaughter of the teaching column Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein, a member of the Council of Torah Scholars, daughter of Rabbi Nahum Becker, with the influential son of the Jerusalemite Rabbi Eliyahu Rabia.

Devar Shmuel: Shabbat Sheva Brachot on the occasion of the marriage of the daughter of Rabbi Yeshayahu Greenman, Rosh Yeshivat Devar Shmuel in Petah Tikva and granddaughter of the late Rabbi Avraham Ravitz, chairman of Degel HaTorah.

Ner Chaim: Shabbat Sheva Brachot on the occasion of the marriage of the son of Rabbi Yitzchak Yaakov Abelson, rabbi of the South American community in Israel, Rosh Yeshivat Ner Chaim and head of the Ayelet Hashachar institutions who died last week after a serious illness and his son’s wedding was postponed.

Song of Songs: Shabbat Sheva Brachot on the occasion of the marriage of the first granddaughter of Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh Diner, Rabbi of the Bnei Brak Center, daughter of his son Rabbi Michael Diner of the Rabbis of Yeshivat Torah in its glory in Elad.

Bnei Brak: Shabbat Sheva Brachot on the occasion of the marriage of the great-grandson of the late Garach Greeniman, grandson of his son Rabbi Yosef Greenman, with the granddaughter of the late Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Rotenberg.

Imrei Yosher: Shabbat Sheva Brachot on the occasion of the marriage of the grandson of Rabbi Meir Greenman, author of the ‘Imrei Yosher’, grandson of his son Rabbi Avraham Yeshayahu Greenman, with the granddaughter of Rabbi Yodel Boyar, granddaughter of his son Rabbi Moshe Chaim Boyar.

Atra Kadisha: Shabbat Sheva Brachot on the occasion of the marriage of the granddaughter of Rabbi David Michael Schmidel, head of the Tiberias Kollel – Komemiyut and chairman of Atra Kadisha, daughter of his son-in-law Rabbi Yitzchak Yaakovzon, with son of Rabbi Yosef Z.

Derchei David: Shabbat Chatan on the occasion of the marriage of the granddaughter of Rabbi Shmuel Pinchasi, head of the Derchei David institutions.

Beer Mordechai: Prayers continue for the healing of Rabbi Baruch Shmuel HaCohen Ben Leah Deutsch, Rosh Yeshiva ‘Beer Mordechai’ who needs multiple heavenly mercies. Also on Shabbat they will petition in prayer for his complete healing.

Tosefat Shabbat: On the orders of the great men of Israel, the Shabbat must be accepted early for the healing of Rebbetzin Feiga Tzipora, daughter of Hadassah Lau, the wife of a member of the Leblachta, the Chief Rabbi, Rabbi David Lau, whose medical condition is still very difficult.

Public figures, MPs, journalists and activists:

Congratulations to MK Israel Eichler on the occasion of the birthday of his grandson in Manchester, England, son of his son R. Meir Eichler, son-in-law of the Dahsidi Belza crowd in Manchester, R. Benjamin Leitner.

Congratulations to the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, Haim Cohen, on the occasion of the grandson’s birthday.

Congratulations to the media man Yossi Stark on the occasion of the birth of his son, peace be upon him in Ashdod.

Congratulations to R. Yossi Kournik from Antwerp, on the occasion of the joy of his son’s marriage this week at a good and successful time.

Congratulations to Nati Kot from the office of MK Israel Eichler on the occasion of the birthday of the daughter at a good time. The Kiddush in Kiryat Belza in Jerusalem

Congratulations to Hidbraut CEO David Tawfik on the occasion of his daughter’s marriage.

Congratulations to Ezer CEO Chaim Freund on the occasion of the joy of his son’s marriage.

Congratulations to the chairman of an organization with one heart and the founder of the Krestir-Ramat Shlomo institutions, David Whitman, on the birth of his son at a good and successful time.

Congratulations to the Rebbe of Makhnovka in Alza, the important young man Shmuel Luria, on the occasion of his engagement to the daughter of the Rebbe, Rabbi Shimshon Bard.

Congratulations to the Vice President of Netiv Binyamin Institutions, Nati Bakshi from Jerusalem, on the occasion of the joy of his engagement at a good and successful time for the Ne’eman family from Beit Shemesh.

Shabbat entry and exit times Parshat Karach (Ship abroad) in Israel and around the world:

Jerusalem – Shabbat entry: 19:14 | Saturday: 20:31 | RT: 21:06

Bnei Brak – Shabbat entry: 19:30 | Saturday: 20:33 | RT: 21:04

Modi’in Illit – Shabbat entry: 19:19 | Saturday: 20:32 | RT: 20:05

Petah Tikva and Elad – Shabbat entry: 19:14 | Saturday: 20:31 | RT: 21:06

Haifa – as Shabbat entry: 19:21 | Saturday: 20:35 | RT: 21:07

Ashdod – Shabbat entry: 19:29 | Saturday: 20:33 | RT: 21:03

Safed – Shabbat entry: 19:21 | Saturday: 20:33 | RT: 21:03

Tel Aviv – Shabbat entry: 19:28 | Saturday: 20:34 | RT: 21:08

Beer Sheva – Shabbat entry: 19:29 | Saturday: 20:32 | RT: 21:04

New York – Saturday: 20:12 | Saturday departure: 21:21

London – Saturday: 21:07 | Saturday departure: 22:37

Antwerp – Saturday: 21:44 | Saturday departure: 11:15 p.m.

Zurich – Shabbat entry: 21:12 | Saturday departure: 22:31

Paris – Shabbat entry: 21:40 | Saturday departure: 11:05 p.m.

Moscow – Shabbat entry: 21:00 | Saturday departure: 23:01

The public is called upon to continue and receive Shabbat half an hour before sunset for the benefit and healing of the sick of his people Israel.

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