The Rebbe of Belza sent a detailed letter of instruction on Shabbat evening to the multitudes of Hasidim

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As every year, the Rebbe of Belza delivers morals at the end of Simchat Torah, in the event known as the “Steiyedige Torah”, in which he speaks to the rabbis of the Hassidim, about things that need reinforcement, while standing with a stand and a microphone in front of him, this year the Rebbe delivered the words briefly at the end of the holiday, and on Friday A letter appeared from the Rebbe’s house with the continuation of the matter sent to the Rabbis of the Chassidim before Shabbat as instructed by the Rebbe.

In the center of the discussion, he emphasized the role of the Hasidic Town in Belza, the ‘Orthodox camp’ – the shofar where they will awaken and stand for the guard of the Torah and Hasidism, based on the wisdom and salvation of a majority of counsel, without skipping any detail.

In the letter it is written: “When the time was delayed at the end of the Simchat and I shortened it where it should be extended, therefore I am in it in the scriptures with words of encouragement and guidance according to the custom of Abu Ha’k, and these are things that do not have a lesson above but have a lesson below, and to those who hear Yonam and may the blessing of all good things come upon them in my long life , Bnei Baruchi, and Mezoni Royha, and to each Milli Demitav.”

“Here we are blessed with holy days in the months of Elul and Tishrei, and surely each and every one was blessed with ascension, and now we have to be on guard to continue the ascension and the high spiritual rank for the days to come, and according to the Rabbi of the Rabbi of Zidichoiv ZIA that the winter nights have a holy sanctity The time, and by those who behave properly, they get to feel the holiness of the holy days of the Almighty all year round, and of course one must be careful not to fall 6 months down.

The letter details the things in which the followers need to strengthen themselves.

Determining a place for Torah and prayer

The foundation of the foundations is that every Avrach should set a fixed place for Torah and prayer, in one of the Dahasidi Midrassas in his city, between the weekdays and the holy Shabbat, every day and every day a law shall not be transgressed, and that it shall not be as a matter of chance to seize minyans and Torah lessons, but in a manner of regularity.

And I would very much ask every OA to establish regular Torah lessons within the walls of the High Court, and if it is in my power to establish a fellowship at a time designated for regular times for Torah study with homeowners, may a blessing come upon them.

It is also necessary to make sure that all the leadership of the Shivleach are as accepted in the tradition of our ancestors, without any changes in the law, and the public in the court must also observe the dress and etiquette in the court as accepted from the beginning of Dana and not to breach the court’s fence.

Prohibition of conversation during prayer

Guards should be stationed in all the synagogues to make sure that they do not talk during prayer from beginning to end and during the reading of the Torah, and what is right to rebuke those who go to the fundraisers in the Bihamad or in the foyers who chatter idle words during the prayer and cause a very terrible desecration of the name of heaven, God will protect us and save us, and it is better that they do not come to the Bihamad at all From what will come in the above manner, and the hands of the collectors standing on the holy watch must be strengthened.

third meal

The third meal is the time of Rao Daroin, and they have already lengthened this time in the Sephak to the precious size of this time, and therefore I would very much ask all those who come to our gates, that they hold this meal with a majority of the people in service and praise and the words of the Torah and the stickyness of the Creator, and not to engage in this holy time in the matter of vanity and idle talk.

The thousands of followers in the class. Photo: Anshil Bek

Memorizing Halacha

When one begins these days in the order of studying ‘Daily Halacha’ to study the second volume of the book ‘Mishnah Berurah’ on the Shu’a and O’Hare, and most of it as a whole is halachahs that relate to the daily practice of order, therefore every naked person should do it with the intention of joining this study, so that they know the way They will walk in it and the deed they will do.

Repeat the studies and take the exam

Here we have had the privilege in recent years that the priests and householders spend their time also repeating their Talmud and taking a written test, both studying the daily order of the page, and the students of the ‘Ahavat Torah’ society, and in the order of studying daily Halacha, as well as in other studies, and this is a very great thing, that by this their Talmud is elevated is held in their hands, and they are privileged to truly connect with the Torah and the giver of the Torah and live a Torah life, blessed be they and blessed be their lot, and what good it would be for each and every one to join this, both the tribe of Ischar and the tribe of Zebulon, and what good they would do, to add to this also the kollelim, to be tested regularly About the study schedules in the above-mentioned places, and I will also call on the students of the Yeshivak to be tested on their Talmud within the organization ‘Zorba’ so that Talmud can be as a term in the box.

Appointment of teachers

A few years ago we were blessed with the establishment of the committee for the appointment of religious jurists. If there is a small public, one Motz is sufficient, and in the High Court, which has a large public, it should be as many Motz as the size of the public.

And it is not enough for the Mozim to answer those who ask what is decided by the Halacha in the Shoah, it is only very necessary that they know in every matter that comes up the way of the Torah and the way of Hasidism, and to be on guard in the 20th century.

Seminaries and groups [קבוצות] To the people of Shlomo

The Tula’at, that in view of the large number of people, the businessmen labored to set up a structure and a permanent order of establishing seminaries and appointing leaders and influencers, and this is a great correction for the benefit of the abrachs, because in our generation it is very necessary for everyone to belong to a group of his peers and to serve him in harmony with ‘, a man will help his neighbor and speak loudly to his brother.

Therefore, it is indeed a good thing to establish in all the cities that Tivlach for youths of the same age where the youths will be united into one group within the group, in places where there is a large public in the group, it is correct to establish several groups for this purpose.

Influential people should be appointed to lead the shtibel or the group, to be in contact with the avrach, to be their listening ear, and to be able to consult with them on questions and concerns regarding matters of supply and guidance and leading the home in the way of the Torah and Hasidism, and all of this is a great favor to the avrach and the Rabbi and the Yotcha.

Therefore, I would very much ask the elders to help carry out this matter, and to cooperate with the businessmen in charge of this in every city, for your benefit and for your benefit, and to multiply efforts to introduce a spirit of animality and holiness within the walls of the High School and among the members of the groups, so that they will indeed derive great benefit from it and rise in the In the ways of the Torah and reverence and Hasidism.


In addition, it is good that every one of you should be a member of a ‘society’ that gathers once a week for regular study in order of morality or Hasidicism and for the purpose of excelling in God’s service, and even those who do not immediately feel the necessity of this, should know that there is a great benefit in it, and if they persist in this, they will gain for a long time The time to taste its good taste, both to be kept from radar and for help and assistance in every mitzvah and ki’a.

This matter is intended both for homeowners and general elders, etc., and we have already said that it is also good to change the people of our peace to gather occasionally in a group in a group, because those who have already done so, have seen the magnitude of the benefit because it is good.


In the matter of the tool called a smartphone, even when it has filtering (Filter), and although it cannot be said that it is a prohibition or an offense, but whoever uses it, it may lead to the most serious offenses, and therefore a person who guards his soul will stay away from this tool and all technological tools of all kinds, and also who If he has to use it, he will minimize the use only as necessary for his livelihood needs, etc., and moreover that it should not be used in the beit midrash and at home, therefore he will keep in his pocket another telephone device intended for talking only, to be used in matters that are not necessary for his livelihood.

walk among the God-fearing plants

Unfortunately for us, the streets are very broken, and you don’t have a day that doesn’t spoil it a lot from its friend with new damages, and God bless you who walk the path of Hasidism and walk among the God-fearing, always find ways to deal with and stay away from all the above-mentioned new harms.

But the basis is that the avarach will not seek to find favor among the people of the street, he will only seek the closeness of God’s servants who work hard on their mishna in Torah and piety and Hasidism and find favor in their eyes.

A life of happiness

When we were privileged in recent years that the esteemed organization ‘Haim Shel Osher’ in Israel and abroad trains guides to accompany the bridegrooms and brides of the people of Shlomo to establish their home in the way of the Torah and reverence and Hasidism with love and maturity and evil, and there are several good virtues in this that there is no place to detail them here, That’s why he wised up his eyes in his head and sent his sons and daughters who reached this chapter only to the mentors and mentors appointed on behalf of the above-mentioned organization and he will have the honor of receiving most of Nachat Dek’ from every Yochah.

Gratitude and assistance in maintaining the institutions of Torah and Hesed

A favor must be recognized and assisted physically and financially and with words of encouragement and encouragement to all the businessmen who bear the burden of holding the K. Dahsidic institutions in Elza, both the educational institutions and the charitable institutions, both in the Land of Israel and abroad.

The needs of the institutions and the needs of the public are many, and carrying the burden is very difficult, and some of them are groaning under the heavy burden and their sleep wanders from the pressure, and they work diligently to achieve the goal of raising the institutions’ fund, and it is a sacred duty to stand to their right as stated, and certainly not to disturb them or cause them to slack off. “and.

And for all of them, to help the center of institutions in Lahar in Israel, and as we have already said many times that they are the centerpiece of Hassidism in the whole of Lahar, and they must be helped both in maintaining the institutions every month at the new one and in the multiple expenses in view of the number of students in Lahar and the development of the institutions and the opening of new branches, etc.

And in general, I will ask more from anyone who has a spirit in him and he feels that he has the talent and ability to volunteer his time and ability for the public, whether for the needs of the Torah institutions or in acts of charity and kindness, and if it is those who have spiritual positions such as influencers, educators, etc., then by all means contact those in charge of this matter and join the dear volunteers Among the people who work for the public with a whole heart, and his reward is guaranteed in this and the next.

Gratitude to educators

It’s no secret that everyone aspires and prays and hopes that the educational institutions where their children are educated will have the best educators who will educate their children to be good in heart and soul out of the joy of mitzvah, etc. Their salary is adequate so that they would desire to serve in this position, and the employers strive for this, but more than that, it is necessary that the parents bring their appreciation to the educators and acknowledge them with favors, thanks and blessings, so that they will have the desire to continue this work of heaven, which is one of the most difficult in the temple.

There are many educators who have left their positions because they did not feel enough appreciation from their parents, and this must be corrected, preferably one hour earlier, so that it will be a desirable and respected position and they will be able to find with a nickel teachers and rabbis who are Torah and God-fearing and who are suitable for this sacred position, and it depends on you .

And also, I would very much ask anyone who feels that he is qualified to be a Tashbar teacher and instill in students love of Torah, reverence for God, and good deeds, to offer himself for this position to the TA administration, so that the children of Anash can be educated by teachers from Anash, and the advantage of this Obviously.

Modesty of clothing for women

The matter of modesty of clothing is one of the things that must always be strengthened, because the evil spirit constantly incites and tempts us to follow the new Madas that our ancestors did not pile up, and therefore I would like to be strengthened in this matter, both in the modesty of the clothes and in the shape of the headpieces and the covering on them, that everything be in the appropriate and correct manner As per the rules and limits of Halacha and Hasidism.

And I left it to the businessmen who recently entered the thick of the beam to deal with this matter, and the right of the many depends on them and they will come for the blessing, and their hands and their actions must be strengthened.

The Rebbe concludes his letter “May we all have a year of blessing and success spiritually and physically, a year of raising the Torah fund and reverence and Hasidism, a year of raising the Kovah fund, and we will have a complete redemption in the BA”.

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