The Rebbe of Satmar attacked the ultra-orthodox parties: “They are only interested in money and positions”

by time news

During the huge ‘Salvation Day’, the Rebbe of Satmar attacked the ultra-orthodox parties and their full partner in forming the next government. In his speech, the Rebbe noted the decade since the establishment of the “Pure Shekel” fund, and revealed the amount that the fund has contributed so far to educational institutions in Israel

Thousands of Satmar Hasidim in New York participated last Thursday in the 21st Keslu, commemorating the day of the rescue of the Rebbe Ba’al ‘Viyal Moshe’ of Satmar from the hands of the Nazis, which was held at the US Army Hall ‘New York State Armory’ in the Crown Heights neighborhood .

In his speech at the huge stage, the Rebbe of Satmar referred to the coalition contacts of the ultra-Orthodox parties and attacked the ultra-Orthodox members of the Knesset for their full complicity in the formation of the next government.

“Rabbi Zia’a,” said the Rebbe, “he fought with devotion all his days in associating with the wicked and rebelling against the Kingdom of Heaven, for which purpose the state was established to uproot all faith and all the Holy Torah. In 1977, when they entered for the first time, they claimed that it would be possible to operate inside , but our Rabbi Zia fought for the fact that by associating with the wicked it is impossible to do just the opposite, and today we see this with a sense.

“Unfortunately for us,” continued the Rebbe, “they have reached the situation today where they are the ones who establish the government, they are establishing a rebellion which is a rebellion in the Kingdom of Heaven and their conditions for joining the government are not the cancellation of decrees, but only money and how many positions they will receive from the government. It’s a real shame and disgrace how much the money bribes them who are no longer even talking about the conditions for canceling decrees such as Shabbat desecration, the core plan, etc., just how many ministers and positions they will get in the government. All this in addition to the blasphemy and hatred of Israel that this brings when the whole world sees that ultra-Orthodox Jews, Torah-observant and mitzvot, are the ones who set up the government that provokes nations and instigates wars, and everything goes in the name of Torah Judaism. Is there any greater blasphemy than this?”

Later in his speech, the Rebbe noted a decade of the establishment of the ‘Pure Shekel’ fund, which provides millions every year to educational institutions that are exempt from government budgets, and asked to continue this even more.

“In God there are so many students of Rabbi Zia who give thousands and thousands to strengthen God’s war against Amalek in the Holy Land, to strengthen all the holy institutions for the purity of the Holy Land.”

“Now ten years have passed since we had the privilege of establishing the ‘Pure Shekel’ fund,” the Rebbe noted and revealed: “We have already sent to the U.K. through the fund close to forty million dollars, the charity of the hearts of Jews who want to be a part of the Holy War, and I call from here to continue All the more so. We also need to strengthen the other organizations that strengthen the administrators of the institutions in the Holy Land with hundreds of abrakhs who donate large sums every month, thereby causing more and more institutions to be opened for the purity of the Holy Land.”

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