The Rebbe who was retired from this world passed away

by time news

From the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn comes the hard and bitter news of the departure of the late Heart-oriented Rebbe who was one of the most important Rebbe in New York and led his seminary for decades, after midnight in New York he passed away at the age of 85

Baruch Dayan HaAmet: But in the world of Hasidism in the United States, with the sad news came the departure of the late Rebbe Rabbi Shmuel Zeev Lichter from the “Heart Intention”, who died at his home in the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn after years of illness and illness. .

The late Rebbe was the genius of the geniuses who remembered every section in the Shulchan Aruch, and was a teacher for many years, holy and pure, spread out and separated from all the vanities of this world, he fasted many fasts, and hardly ate. He was clinging to the Torah day and night, was awake at night and studying the Holy Torah as he did as a yeshiva student.

He led his seminary and congregation in the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn where masses flocked to face him, and even during his weakness continued in the sacrament.

The Hasidim mourn his death and say to Behadrei Haredim: “The Rebbe defended the city by the power of his teachings. Oh, who will give us in return, we do not digest because the Rebbe was and is not.”

The Rebbe did not eat foods because of a halakhic matter, due to a doubtful blessing, he would come to Kiddushim and Simchot but did not taste anything because of the strictness not to eat foods.

In the month of Adar 5755, he was succeeded by his wife, Rabbi Hania Kreindel, the daughter of Rabbi Yosef Shalom Spitzer, who was killed in the Holocaust, and she grew up with the late Rabbi Hillel Lichtenstein of Krasna, who was the father-in-law of the late Rebbe of the Heart.

The Rebbe was accepted by all circles in the United States, he was also jealous of the word of God and participated in gatherings against the violation of the sanctuaries of Israel, including the recruitment of yeshivas and more.

In the last month of Shevat, a Torah scroll was brought to his Beit Midrash ‘Intention to Heart’ in Boro Park, the Torah scroll was donated to the credit of the late Rebbe who passed away, leaving the congregation of his followers and fans in heavy mourning.

He is survived by his son, Rabbi Shalom Yosef Chaim Muliamsburg, his son, Rabbi Yehuda of Monsey, and his sons-in-law: Rabbi Shalom Eliezer Katz, Rabbi Yechezkel Meizels, Rabbi Lipa Gross, and Rabbi Eli Shimon Kaufman.

Funeral procession today (Friday, the eve of Holy Saturday Parashat Behar in my constitutions) at 10:00 (New York time) from his seminary ‘Intention to the Heart’ at 1656-43st Street in the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn to the Long Island Life Center where Whitman is buried near the grave of his rabbinical wife .

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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