the “rebellious” and the PS will meet to discuss the legislative elections; Republicans declare their independence

by time news

The day when… in 2017, Manuel Valls made an unexpected service offer to La République en Marche

In this direct dedicated to the news of the electoral campaign, we evoke each day a significant moment of the last presidential elections through an article of the Monde. This week, we look back on the aftermath of the elections. Today… back to May 10, 2017.

On the evening of Sunday April 24, 2022, Manuel Valls was invited to the ” VIP lounge “ Champ-de-Mars in Paris to listen to and applaud Emmanuel Macron’s short victory speech. We just didn’t expect him in the front row. The former socialist prime minister has obviously elbowed his way to reach it and be alongside the prime minister, Jean Castex, the high commissioner for planning, François Bayrou, and the keeper of the seals, Eric Dupond-Moretti.

Also read. A party for Emmanuel Macron sent to the Champ-de-Mars

Five years ago, in an article entitled “Manuel Valls wants to invite himself to the table of La République en Marche”, our journalist Bastien Bonnefous told of the intention of the former tenant of Matignon to be a candidate for the “presidential majority” in Evry, at the legislative elections of June 11 and 18, 2017. “I’m not in ambush, I want Emmanuel Macron’s success”, he assured RTL. If the former Prime Minister had already called for a vote for Emmanuel Macron before the first round of the presidential election, he then wanted « [s’]register in La République en Marche »the movement of the new President of the Republic.

“At this stage, Manuel Valls’ service offer is far from being welcomed with satisfaction by the team of the new Head of State”can we read in The world dated May 10, 2017. Reacting on Europe 1 a few minutes after this proposal, Benjamin Griveaux, then spokesperson for the Macronist movement, let it be known that the former Prime Minister did not “not invested by the national commission of investiture”. “If you do not apply, you cannot be invested by En Marche! He has twenty-four hours left, the procedure is the same for everyone.he adds, a bit condescending.

Finally candidate without label – without that of the Socialist Party, nor that of LRM -, Manuel Valls manages to be elected narrowly in the first constituency of Essonne… Before leaving the PS and integrating the presidential majority on June 27, 2017 . “I can still serve my country, in some way, that’s the best thing about these exciting and difficult times”, assured the former socialist on the evening of Emmanuel Macron’s re-election. A new service offer, in short.

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