We present the official version provided by the Vatican of the address given by Pope Francis during the celebration of the Eucharist at the National Stadium in Singapore on September 12, 2024.

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“Knowledge fills with pride, and love increases” (1 Cor 8:1). Saint Paul gives these words to the brothers and sisters of the Christian community of Corinth – which was a community rich in multiple charisms (cf. 1 Cor 1:4-5) – to whom the Apostle himself, in his letters, often commends to nurture. communion in charity.

We hear these same words as we give thanks to the Lord for the Church of Singapore, which is also rich in gifts, which is alive, growing and dealing constructively with the different faiths and religions that share this great country with them.

Precisely for this reason, I would like to comment on the same words, inspired by the beauty of this city and the amazing and bold architecture that contributes to making it so famous and interesting, starting with the impressive complex of the National Stadium where we are. . And I want to do that remembering that, in the end, even at the foundation of this great construction – as at the foundation of any other project that leaves a positive mark on this world -, money is not in the first place, as many think. , nor technique, not even engineering – all useful methods – but in the end love, “the love that sustains.”

Some may think this is a naive statement, but if we think carefully, this is not the case. In fact, there is no good work behind which there are not, perhaps, wonderful, strong, rich, creative people, although they are always vulnerable women and men, like us, who have no love, no life, no impulse, no reason to act, no strength to build.

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