The recovery in world tourism has been confirmed since the beginning of the year

by time news

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In its latest report, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) confirms that the sector has taken off again in many regions during the first five months of 2022 despite economic, geopolitical and health uncertainties.

We are not yet at pre-Covid-19 levels, but given the many hazards, including soaring prices, it is a performance. On the American continent, in Europe, for Africa as for the Middle East, the pattern is the same, the rebound is clear. With a doubling, even a quadrupling of passenger arrivals.

Obstacles are not lacking, however, in this semester marked by the start of the war in Ukraine or the surge in energy prices. It is the gradual lifting of the last travel restrictions linked to the pandemic that is encouraging this recovery. The phenomenon is blatant in Europe where interregional tourism is exploding to the point that the Southern Mediterranean, Western and Northern Europe have returned to 70% of their pre-health crisis level.

Airlines are adapting their capacities

The airlines, even if some are overwhelmed today by the influx of travelers, have managed to adapt their capacity. Encouraged by public policies that have sought to maintain their purchasing power, European and American tourists have spent a lot. Their spending is almost back to pre-pandemic levels.

This phenomenon should continue during the summer season, because the thirst for travel is still there after the years marked by the Covid-19. To the point of forgetting the threats that are looming, both economic and geopolitical.

There is a real will of the populations to move on to something else. People want to take advantage of it.

Louis Job, professor at Sciences Po Grenoble

► Also to listen: What will tomorrow’s tourism look like?

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