the red thread that binds us, four commercials by film students against the war –

by time news
from Paolo Baldini

Preview at the Milanese review “Le vie del cinema”

“There is a red thread that holds us together as human beings, don’t let it break, don’t let it spill.” A thin line, red like blood. The symbol of pain becomes the cement of a bond. The birth of a child, an outstretched hand, the first cycle of a girl, a woman wounded in the rubble (“Fil Rouge”, directed by Simone Colombo, Alec Nieri, Davide Sangiorgio, Marta Volpi). A young woman bending over the books in the Library. The gun culture arises from misinformation. “Use the right words to change history” (“Words”, by Isabella Balestri and Gianmarco Onofri). In 2022, Italy invested 25.8 billion in military spending. “Invest in peace” (“At what cost”, by Marina Ingenito). The overly diligent doorman chases the boy up the stairs with a bag he suspects that he turns out to be only therapeutic tea for his grandmother. “Drop your prejudices and live without disagreements.”

Four commercials for the usual social campaign created by the students of the Luchino Visconti Civic School of Cinema. Theme: “Shall we make peace?”, As children say. The commercials are scheduled in the Milanese cinemas until 30 September on the occasion of the review “Le vie del cinema” (22 – 30 September) After violence against women, food waste, racism, bullying, alcohol abuse, the plastic emergency, respect for gender identity the Civic School of Cinema promotes the culture of tolerance through listening without prejudice, negotiation and non-violent communication. By asking a series of questions: Why do we need an enemy? What are the real reasons for the conflicts? What does humanity mean? How to build a culture of mutual respect? The students started with surveys and interviews with philosophers, psychologists, anthropologists, economists, non-profit volunteers, renewing a multi-year collaboration with Agis Lombarda. The authors of the commercials are the third year students of the Film and Audiovisual Art and Technology course followed by professors Carlo Sigon, Carlotta Tessarolo and Arianna Pregagnoli. The campaign was carried out in collaboration with Save the Children, the Berne Center for Transactional Analysis and the Confini Association.

Fil Rouge Directed by Simone Colombo, Alec Nieri, Davide Sangiorgio, Marta Volpi

Words Directed by Isabella Balestri, Gianmarco Onofri

At what cost Directed by Marina Ingenito

The porter Directed by Isabella Balestri, Gianmarco Onofri

September 23, 2022 (change September 23, 2022 | 13:05)

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