the region is offering emergency aid to support affected traders

by time news

2023-06-24 16:42:34

The explosion, whose origin is still unknown, took place on Wednesday June 21 at 4:55 p.m. HANDOUT / AFP

In a letter addressed to the mayor of the 5th arrondissement, Valérie Pécresse offers to financially support the traders affected by the disaster.

Four people are always foundin absolute urgencyand a 57-year-old woman is stillmissing“, but we must already think about the aftermath, a few days after the explosion on June 21 at 4:55 p.m. of a building located at 277 rue Saint-Jacques, in the 5th arrondissement of Paris and housing a school of design, the Paris American Academy. Explosion which also left about fifty injured and even more victims. In total, no less than three buildings – in addition to the one that collapsed – also suffered significant damage, as did a dozen businesses in the neighborhood.

Emergency aid for rehabilitation

On this subject, the president of the Île-de-France region Valérie Pécresse wrote to the mayor of the 5th arrondissement Florence Berthout to offer her financial support for the traders affected by the disaster. “In the aftermath of the explosion at 277 rue Saint-Jacques in Paris and while the emotion is still very strong, I would like to respond to your concern about the few dozen traders hard hit by the consequences of this tragedy. I would like to inform you that the region is ready to assume all its responsibilities and to mobilize emergency aid for them to rehabilitate their trade, as it has already done in the past.“, she offers him.

A way according to the elected Ile-de-France to help traders “to restore their work tool and resume their activity as soon as possible“. In addition, she offers him to meet the traders “very soon“, in order to “take stock of their situation» et «accurately assess the support needs of each of them“. And this, “since the causes and responsibilities of this tragedywill be known, specifies Valérie Pécresse.

If for her part, Florence Berthout wanted to thank Valérie Pécresse for her help “to release emergency aid for the rehabilitation of our local shops impacted by the explosion in rue Saint-Jacques“, she gave no indication of the conditions under which this aid will be distributed, nor on the time it would take. According to information from Parisianthe mayor also wrote to the prefect of police of Paris Laurent Nuñez “to ask him – provided that all security conditions are met – if the security perimeter could be further reduced so that the butcherand the Vietnamese restaurant (located respectively at 263 and 265 rue Saint-Jacques) can reopen as soon as possible».

The reception cell still open

As a reminder, following this explosion, the Paris public prosecutor’s office opened an investigation into unintentional injuries resulting in total incapacity for work for more than three months by manifestly deliberate violation of an obligation of prudence or safety resulting from the law or of the regulation. Prudent, the Paris prosecutor Laure Beccuau nevertheless insisted on recalling that “the criminal qualification retained” was “likely to change, in particular depending on the state of health of the victims». «It is for the moment confirmed that the building housed the school of the American Academy and that the first witnesses evoke a smell of gas”, but “scientific findings can only be made with precision once the premises have been secured“, she said in a press release.

At the same time, the Parisian municipality indicated that the reception unit, open Wednesday at the end of the day in the premises of the town hall of the 5th arrondissement, “with the support of city services and social landlords (Paris Habitat and RIVP)», continue ce week-end «provide care for victims and affected residents“. On the night of the disaster, ten people without accommodation, and who requested it, had thus “could be relocated» : «five by the services of the City of Paris and five by social landlords, in municipal structures or in hotels».


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