The relevance of the new Master’s Degree from FCOM

by time news

2023-07-20 14:34:53

The master’s degree in Journalism and Media Studies is the new project of the Faculty of Communication (FCOM) of the University of Havana, presented this Wednesday, July 19 by its coordinator, Dr. C. Ramón Fernández Cala, at the headquarters of the Department of Journalism of that house of higher studies.

In the presence of Ariel Terrero, vice president of the UPEC, of ​​teachers of the career and members of the Working Group that participates in the proposal, Professor Fernández Cala explained in detail the program that makes up this professional model, its objectives, methods and techniques, impacts, knowledge systems, values ​​and skills, among other aspects.

When explaining part of the essence of the Master’s, he stressed that it responds to a design with a national and international scope that contributes to a broad and advanced scientific culture of journalists, media managers and specialists from other areas of knowledge linked to the sector.

In this sense, he specified that “the lack of a postgraduate training strategy of its own in the FCOM’s Journalism Course…, which responds to the continuous improvement and progressive updating of teachers, journalists, media managers, communicators in general, is a need that requires an urgent solution.”

Hence, it will favor more effective work links between the media and between them and the country’s economic environment. Likewise, it must prepare journalists and managers for collaborative relationships and systematic exchanges in order to optimize the transformations in the economic management of the media, the use of information flows, the efficient use and control of financial, material and technological resources with a sense of savings and responsibility for maintaining and preserving State assets, explained Fernández Cala.

“The Master’s degree is based on the Cuban historical, cultural and humanist tradition. Therefore, it is proposed that its graduates are better prepared to contribute cultural well-being and symbolic capital aimed at educating audiences in relation to various areas of political, economic, social, cultural, and technological life.

According to the professor at the Faculty of Journalism, the demand for this improvement plan is high, taking into account that there is no history of similar postgraduate training designed for journalists and media managers.

“Currently our professionals require training that allows them to face the challenges posed by the media scenario characterized by a fierce symbolic, ideological and political struggle.”

Part of the faculty of the Department of Journalism who attended the scientific conference. Photo: Gilda Farinas.

Conceiving this project entailed an arduous process of bibliographic and documentary analysis, diagnosis of the state of the art, work tables, discussion groups, interviews with UPEC executives and consultations with experts.

As part of this group are the Opponents of the Master’s program project. In this case, there is Dr. C. Zenaida Costales Pérez, who highlighted that he assumes the challenges that current times pose to Cuban society, not exempt from certainties and uncertainties, surrounded by intense debates on strategic, heartbreaking issues, which fight against today’s reality and which demand a new journalist and a new Public Press Model that Cuba needs.

Costales Pérez considered that, in addition, it lays the foundations so that graduates can maintain continuous training processes by equipping them with the skills related to the selection, processing and use of information that generates new knowledge. As well as the theoretical and methodological resources that favor doing it from a critical and contextualized thinking.

At the same time, he recognized that “like any work, the proposal presented today can be perfected.” so the Master of Journalism and Media Studies it has the conditions to be viable and continue to be perfected until it is approved by the competent authorities, emphasized the Journalism professor.

The teachers who opt for this study must present as academic requirements, to be: Bachelor of Journalism or Social Communication; university graduate of specialties related to journalistic activity (Social and Humanistic Sciences); university graduate of specialties not related to journalistic activity, endorsed by the entity where he provides his services.

Meanwhile, the professional requirements that must be met (at least one) include: being a practicing journalist; play different roles in traditional and hypermedia infocommunicative production scenarios; manager of infocommunicative processes of a journalistic nature in media and extra-media organizations; and who designs and participates in infocommunicative strategies.

When intervening in the presentation, Ariel Terrero, director of the José Martí International Institute of Journalism, declared that La Maestría will arrive very opportunely to respond to the professional interests of the media. At the same time it will be very useful and necessary for the future of these.

During the conclusions of the meeting, Professor Fernández Cala stated that this postgraduate program “should lay its foundations, trace its path, weave its matrix of relationships, produce science, promote creative and innovative thinking, and focus on methods and solutions. You will have to face technological handicaps with an attitude toward creative learning.”

Professors Iraida Calzadilla and Roger Ricardo, presented the awards to the winners of the National Journalism Contest on July 26. Photo: Gilda Fariñas Rodríguez.

As a culmination of this scientific event, UPEC awarded the Prizes of the National Journalism Contest on July 26 in the Reporting and categories, to young journalists Mario Ernesto Almeida and Pedro Pablo Chaviano, from the Faculty of Communication.

From left to right, Pedro Pablo Chaviano and Mario Ernesto Almeida, from the Faculty of Communication, with their awards in the Reporting and categories. Photo: Iraida Calzadilla.

They were awarded for the materials “Two nights in a place where ‘nothing’ happens” (report) and “The men of the white cork” ( published in La Tizza.

The awards were delivered by professors Iraida Calzadilla and Roger Ricardo, members of the jury.

Cover photo: Dr.C. Ramón Fernández Cala, Professor of Journalism at the
FCOM, during the presentation of the Master’s study project.

#relevance #Masters #Degree #FCOM

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