The Religious Zionist Party moves to the next stage: “The journey that will begin the political revolution in Israel”

by time news

Hundreds of key activists gathered tonight in Jerusalem for a special fundraising evening for the Religious Zionist Party in preparation for the field campaign, which is the second phase of the party’s campaign. The activists, along with members of the party center, gathered at the Ramada Hotel in Jerusalem, where they heard an overview of the function campaign.

So far, the campaign has taken place freely and has been accompanied by media publications only, along with an overview of the transition to the next stage, which includes the field activities that the party has been working on in recent months. The field campaign is expected to take place in about two and a half weeks in the form of a ‘mass recruitment’ (Charidi). Hundreds of field activists will become ambassadors and each of them is expected to attend hundreds more for three days when for the first time as is customary in mass recruitment campaigns the target of the functionaries and the pace of functioning will be exposed to the eyes of all.

The chairman of Religious Zionism, MK Bezalel Smutrich, congratulated the hundreds of activists on the special fundraising evening and said:

You are mobilized for the path on which all the sons and daughters of religious Zionism will walk and all those who identify with the path of religious Zionism and its values, in one house, in one party that has a great place for everyone. The home of the believing right. You will open the door to all who believe in the people of Israel, thanks to us for the Land of Israel, the Torah of Israel, a Jewish state, and Zionism that fights its way with pride.

As more and more parties work for an almost monarchical model of one leader, to whom the party belongs and is meant to serve his personal political goals – and we have seen exactly where this leads – we go to a democratic election process, hand over the party keys, and hand over power to the public. When the power is in the hands of the public the party will remain loyal to it, its way and its values.

These are difficult days for the people of Israel and the State of Israel. A left-wing government that has joined the enemies of Israel has returned the most extreme left to key positions in government, and is severely undermining our Jewish Zionism and eternal values.

Now more than ever the people of Israel need hope and faith. The people of Israel need a great spirit of Jewish heroism that will raise its head and raise its stature. The people of Israel need national pride and a burning faith in the righteousness of the way. The people of Israel need joy, connection, and optimism. The people of Israel need great and strong religious Zionism. The people of Israel need you. We will build the main boulevard of the national and religious camp together. “

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