The report for which ChileActores is evaluating a lawsuit against Mega

by times news cr

2024-09-17 00:31:52

ChileActores recalled that it had already sued Mega “for non-payment of fees” and stated that it is studying a new legal action against the television channel.

The Corporation of Actors and Actresses of Chile (ChileActores) confirmed that it is considering filing a lawsuit against Mega following a report it published on the website of its Press Department, Meganoticias, and which links the entity to the Factop case, which has the brothers Ariel and Daniel Sauer along with Rodrigo Topelberg in preventive detention.

The journalistic work, entitled Almost a million dollars: The check that Chileactores received from the Sauer and Topelberg brokerrealized that among the thousands of pages that the case file contains, “A check is made out to the institution that manages the intellectual property rights of the performers.“.

“It is not only striking because it is a group of actors, but also because of the high amount of the check: US$ 975,633, almost a million dollars.“, the report detailed.

ChileActores responded to what was reported in the report

Once aware of what was exposed in the report, ChileActores used its social media accounts to respond to what was said in the press release.

Following the above, they explained that “through their financial advisor Acciona Capital, In 2022, ChileActores acquired shares in the BTG Mutual Fund, which was brokered by the STF Brokerage Firma company that ChileActores did not know at that time and that operated with the authorization of the Financial Market Commission (CMF)“.

They then indicated that “in May 2023, ChileActores requested the withdrawal of said investment, so the check mentioned in Mega’s publication corresponds to amounts invested by ChileActores and rescued in a completely regular financial operationwhich has no connection with the Factop case.”

Along with that, they regretted that “presumably with the intention of causing some reputational damage to ChileActores, Mega has used editorial resources that clearly attempt to link ChileActores with a series of people indicted in a case of great public repercussion, despite the fact that the same note later explains that The check in question corresponds to the redemption of an investment in a mutual fund“.

Possible lawsuit

The text added that “it is important to note that ChileActores and its representatives have no relationship with the owners of STF, nor were they aware of the illegal activities of said brokeragesince all our investments are made under standards rigorously aligned with the legal framework that corresponds to a collective management body.”

Finally, the entity recalled that previously “had previously sued Mega for failure to pay fees. In light of this new development, the institution is considering a new lawsuit against the channel.”

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