The Republicans: a cohesion seminar to pick up the pieces

by time news

“Right now, we have to do bobology, let things fall. ” Word of deputy Les Républicains. The group of 61 right-wing elected officials come out quite bruised from the sequence on pension reform. It tore during the debates on the text, 19 LRs even chose to vote for the motion of censure presented by the independent group of Liot. “Some meet and no longer speak to each other,” we are told. For now, the plan is to drop the soufflé as much as possible. But time will not heal all the wounds. Thus, an idea has flourished collectively in the ranks of the right: to spare time for work and relaxation to allow this squad of political “auto-entrepreneurs” to pick up the pieces.

According to our information, a day-seminar will thus be organized within a good month – it could be May 3 – in Paris or in the near suburbs. The boss of the party Éric Ciotti and that of the group of deputies Olivier Marleix who validated the idea, have yet to put their stamp on the detailed program. The organization was entrusted to two elected officials: the deputy of Aisne Julien Dive and that of Isère Yannick Neuder. The two men have for them not to belong to the same “creamery”: Dive is historically a faithful of Xavier Bertrand, Neuder a very close to Laurent Wauquiez. But also to get along very well, because they are part of the LR cluster who regularly crowd the banks of the Seine in sneakers, early in the morning.

“We need to work together on our values”

“We are still here for at least four years, we need to work together on our values ​​and on certain concrete subjects”, confirms Yannick Neuder. “From the bottom”, it could be a question of the themes of health and work – subjects which would allow the right to debate while finding themselves, without tearing themselves apart further – but also a “moment of conviviality”, adds Neuder. A work sequence, a meal, and another sequence “which will have nothing to do with politics”, abounds Julien Dive.

Unlikely to see them sack racing as a duo, but the joke was mentioned in private. An appointment for which in any case the doublet hopes that the crowd will be as large as possible: “Everyone within the group has an interest in showing goodwill”, assures one of the two. From there to seeing Éric Ciotti and Aurélien Pradié fall back into their arms?

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