The Republicans: Bruno Retailleau wants to “change everything on the right: party, method, software”

by time news

Bruno Retailleau hopes to overturn the table of his party in order to put a new one. Candidate for the presidency of the Republicans, he indeed believes this Sunday that “the brand” of his party is “dead”. He therefore indicates that he wants to have the activists decide “by internal referendum” on the “main orientations”, in an interview with the JDD.

“If we just rip the facade of the party, we are dead. We have to change everything. The “Les Républicains” brand is dead”, argues the president of the LR group in the Senate, who says he wants to “build a popular and patriotic party capable of bringing together all right-wing voters”.

“For that, it will first have to be returned to its militants. If I am elected, they will decide, by internal referendum, our main orientations. And we will work first on the ideas, by sending the question of the presidential election after the European ones”, he recommends, affirming to be “candidate for only one thing, to change everything on the right: party, method, software “.

Rejection of primaries

“Embodying is good, but embodying something is better: The primaries have been excluded from our statutes and I do not intend to put them back there, so it will be up to our activists to choose”, further develops Bruno Retailleau, while his opponent Eric Ciotti has already indicated that he supports Laurent Wauquiez’s candidacy for the 2027 presidential election.

Lot deputy Aurélien Pradié and Orléans mayor Serge Grouard are also candidates for the party presidency. A vote of the militants during a congress at the beginning of December must decide between them.

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