The rescue of the miners trapped in Mexico will last “six to eleven months”

by time news

The rescue team works in the area where ten miners have been trapped since August 3. / EFE

The families of the workers are “desperate” after learning about the plan presented by the Government to get them out of the hole

The rescue efforts continue for the ten workers who were trapped in a mine in Mexico three weeks ago, on the 3rd, without contact underground, without water or food and, in the best of cases, depending on the reserves of air from some underground pocket. The emergency teams have worked constantly since then to reach the workers, who are at a depth of 34 meters, but the work has been unsuccessful so far. And it does not seem that they will be able to leave in the near future. The Aztec government has presented this Thursday to the relatives of the disappeared a plan that stipulates that the rescue could take “six to eleven months.”

The relatives are heartbroken by the news. “They tell us that it would take between six months and eleven months to get them out. We are desperate, we don’t know what to do, we can’t accept this,” Juani Cabriales, sister of one of the miners trapped in the Coahuila mine, told AFP. Not content with the words received from Laura Velázquez, the national coordinator of Civil Protection, the families asked for her resignation, according to the newspaper ‘El sol de México’.

The frustrating search for the ten miners trapped in Mexico

A week ago, the Executive of Andrés Manuel López Obrador met with the American companies Phoenix First Response and German DMT to discuss rescue strategies. The German specialists concluded, according to Velázquez, that the rescuers must identify where the water that has kept the mine flooded for three weeks enters and prevents the access of the emergency teams. “There was also a coincidence in sealing the water inlets, as planned, and also continuing with the studies of the Sabinas River and possible rain leaks,” he added.

This meeting took place four days after relatives of the ten miners blamed the government for inaction. María Montelongo, sister of one of the underground workers, has made it clear that she will not leave until her brother is removed and has charged against the authorities that allow this type of accident to occur in the wells.

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