The research found that xyloxibin, a substance in the mushroom dung group. Helps cure alcoholism

by time news

Thairath Online

30 Aug 2022 12:22

Psilocybin, a type of hallucinogen Existing in the group of mushrooms or Magic mushrooms may help treat alcohol dependence. or chronic alcoholism

The results, published Aug. 24 in the journal Jama Psychiatry, were administered to 93 alcoholics 25-65 years of age with heavy drinking, divided into two groups. is the exposure to xylosibin. and the placebo group like an antihistamine that did not affect the body of the participants and both groups received psychological therapy.

The results showed that Both groups were able to reduce their alcohol intake within 32 weeks, but the two-dose xylosibin pill group showed remarkably good improvement. This resulted in a reduction in alcohol consumption by 83% and quit drinking by 48% compared to before the trial period. The placebo group 51% less alcohol consumption and 24% quit drinking.

In fact, the medical community had the idea of ​​using xyloxibin to treat alcoholism more than 60 years ago, when LSD, or Lysergic acid diethylamid, was being tested in the treatment of alcoholism.

Substances in this mushroom There is also research that it can be used in patients with depression. but should not be used because it may have a life-threatening effect. and is not recommended to be mixed with liquor Because it will cause hallucinations. In addition, buffalo mushrooms are also illegal. Sellers are punished with imprisonment ranging from 2-15 years and fined from 200,000-1,500,000 baht, if a drug user, imprisonment for not more than 1 year or a fine of not more than 20,000 baht, or both

Mushrooms are becoming a trend in Thailand for unlocking drugs like marijuana. According to an interview with Somsak Thepsutin, Minister of Justice on August 15, 2022, he spoke about the increasing number of people turning to buffalo mushroom cultivation. Therefore, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (NACC) to study the benefits Because there are many foreign studies that indicate that the substance in the mushroom can help relieve depression. addicted to alcohol and cigarettes If research in Thailand is successful will create new occupations for villagers and communities

But in the field of public health academics look different. He argues that although there is research in the UK showing that buckwheat can relieve depression However, with only 19 participants in this study, overall efficacy has not been confirmed. As for the research results in Thailand, there is no clear confirmation. Therefore, one must be aware of the serious side effects that may occur to users.

In addition, when comparing mushrooms with cannabis, there are differences. Because Thai traditional medicine has used marijuana more than buffalo mushrooms. Including medical research, it has been found that cannabis can help relieve symptoms of targeted patients better as well. Therefore, it is difficult for mushrooms to be unlocked like marijuana.

References: Livescience, NBC news.

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